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Thread: Best time to run t4!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh

    Best time to run t4!

    When is the best time to run t4?

    night or morning/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The Center Ring
    posted by Mallet

    T4 is a little trickier to dose..the rule of thumb is four times as much t4 to t3, basically your body produces about 75mcg a day of t4 and roughly one third of that is converted to t3 (25mcg). t3 is four times more active than t4 at the target cells. The main difference between taking t4 and taking t3 is you have no control of the conversion rate of t4 to t3, so it's imparitive that your diet be high in Selenium (200mcg) and zinc (50mg) without selenium and zinc, the enzyme iodothyronine deiodinase cannot do its job of converting t4 to t3. One enzyme that is particularily of interest is adenylate cyclase, this enzyme activates the molecule cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)supplementing with Coleus Forskolii will help with cAMP. T4 has a slower onset of endogeous shutdown, therefore cycling can be slightly longer without breaking. The answer still lies in monitoring your basal body temp every morning to see how your metabolism is responding to the supplementing of thyroid hormones. The half life of t4 is shorter as well due to the fact that a percentage of t4 is readily converted to t3, so splitting up your dose throughout the day is recommended!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Mulciber View Post
    posted by Mallet

    Well for starters, I was taking t4 cause I heard it would be better on the muscle mass, Now I am also taking clen and fish Oil tabs, So with them I shouldn't lose much mass.
    on the otherside

    What kind of foods will I find selenium, or is there a tab that will help me out?
    When I split up the doses should I do 75mch per dose 3 times a day(morn/afternoon/bedtime)?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    And for other to know,
    When we say 200mcg of selenium and 50mcg of Zinc,

    Selenium I am guessing is in Meat and whole wheat. And Zinc is in OTHER dairy products (i think)

    Anyways, I am more trying to get a answer out of the selenium, If I were to eat a steak normal cut, would I get my 200mcg in one steak?

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