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Thread: deca, test E , anapolon stack ?

  1. #1

    deca, test E , anapolon stack ?

    hey guys so i want to try this as a stack ,

    400ml test E a week
    200 ml deca a week
    100ml anapolon per day
    20ml nova per day

    12 week cousre with the anapolon for approx 4 to 6 weeks .

    have done numerous cycles before but never have used anapolon , would this be a pretty good cycle ?

    thanks guys the info wil be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    First off. Welcome to AR!

    I assume you mean MG not ML.

    Taking Nolva on cycle is a bad idea IMO.

    And taking it while on Deca is a HORRIBLE idea!

    Whats you PCT look like?

    Give us these stats as well...

    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  3. #3
    mg sorry,
    age 30
    height 5'10
    weigh 180
    bf% 10.2 currently
    meals , 1 - 7cooked eggwhits w/1 yoke, 2 pieces brown toast
    meal 2 - 2 rice cakes , apple or bananna
    meal 3 - 1/2 cup brown rice , 1/2 cup brocoly , 8ounce chicken breast
    meal 4 - chicken salad , protein drink
    meal 5 - 8 ounce chicken breats or steak , once again brown rice with brocoly and sweet potato
    meal 6 slow release protein drink.

    years lifting 6 years

    cycles have done before examle of some are
    * D-bol , sus , deca
    * cyp , IGF
    *prop, cyp ,cjc 1295

    thats just to name a few

    work outs are usually
    mon , back /traps/ calves / cardio
    tues , chest
    wed , legs , quads , calves etc and cardio
    thurs bicepts , tricepts
    fri , shoulders, calves , cardio
    sat , light all over workout
    sun , day off

    this cycle just want to put on size and hardness

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Any PCT knoweldge? PCT for proposed cycle?

    And this cycle needs serious work bro...

  5. #5
    i was advised nolva 20mg a day for 2 weeks and clomid 300mg a day for 3 weeks , but im not to sure about that , thats why i came on here to get some advice , wot would you suggest and work serious work does this cycle need ??

    your info is greatly appreciated mate

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    First off 12 weeks is the minimum you need to run Deca for my friend.

    Secondly, Nolva is HORRIBLE on cycle with Deca like i already said.

    Third, you need to run the test longer than the Deca. Usually two weeks will suffice. Due to the highly suppressive nature of Deca.

    The minimum dose for Deca is generally 400mgs/Wk. That is also the minimum dose of the Test that needs to be run along with Deca.

    And the Test def. needs to be ran longer than 12 weeks.


    Test E @500mgs/wk for wks 1-14
    Deca @400mgs/wk for wks 1-12

    You will need Letro on hand in case of progesterone/estrogen related sides (that you probably will encounter).

    300mgs of Clomid? Whoever recommended that needs to wake up!

    You will undoubtly get serious sides from 300mgs a day!

    hell id never do more than 50mgs personally, and most people only do 100mgs!!!

    Nolva and clomid are not nearly enough of a PCT for this proposed cycle.

    You need an AI and HCG wouldnt hurt either...

    You really need to research more on what youre thinking of doing my friend...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    How much did you weigh before cycling?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    ^^^ Thats a good point!

    Youve done three cycle and only weigh 180lbs?

    btw, your diet NEEDS SERIOUS WORK!

  9. #9
    sorry for my ignorance but iv never heard of letro and how much / when do you need to use it ?
    i have A-dex would that help .

    ok so you have given me how much and for how long to run the dec and test , wot about the anapolon ?

    and when and how much of the pct and what is the best ones to use that you would recommend ?

    thanks heaps again

  10. #10
    no no thats what i weigh now , not on cycle at the moment , not on anything

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Not to worry about ignorance brother... We have all been there before... We were all Newbs at one point...

    ("Letrozole is also known as Femara. It is 10-30x more effective than Arimidex in it's ability to pass through the cell membrane of lipid (fat) cells and inhibit the activity of aromatase -- in other words, Letrozole is far superior in lowering estrogen levels in fat cells. This has two benefits for BBs;

    (1) Estrogen 'attracts' water, thus water retention.

    (2) An average male BB is around 6-10% BF, that's a lot of lipid cells with aromatase inside them, so a substantial percentage of aromatase is left untouched by Arimidex due to it's poor ability to enter lipid cells. Arimidex is approximately 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase, Femara is around 95-97% effective."

    letro is very strong, it prevents estrogen conversion, also reduces progesterone/Prolactin. (It also can be used to reverse gyno.) its best on cycle cause when you stop there can be a hard estrogen rebound. the best way to handle this is stopping letro the day before pct, so all the pct drugs handle the rebound.

    Usually A-dex would be sufficent, but in this case you are using Deca.

    You can use the Letro while on cycle when estrogen and/or progesterone/Prolactin sides surface.

    Now with Letro, it cause an estrogen rebound effect, so like i said above, once you begin its use, you need to run it all the way till you begin your PCT.

    The PCT i would recommend for this particular cycle would be something like this:

    hcg 500iu 2x a week (optional, but advisable when using Deca or Tren) I like to use HCG for the last two weeks of the cycle and the first two weeks of PCT. Now youre gonna get about 100 different ways to run this. Most are OK, this seems to be the best for me IMO.

    nolva 20mg ed
    clomid 25mg ed (optional)
    proviron 50mg ed OR aromasin 50mg ed

    The nolva needs to be run for 6 weeks IMO. Some will say 4 is just fine however.

    The rest can be run for 4 weeks.
    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-22-2008 at 02:52 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ive only heard of anapolon and dont recall anyone i know ever using it... I just read the profile and it seems to be a bad choice of drug IMO.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brisbane Australia
    I am three weeks into my Anapolon(Anadrol)/Tren/Prop
    I'm using the Anapolon papers @ 100mg ed and my strength is outta control!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    I would say 100mgs is too much Armz...

    Hell my gains were through the roof at 50mgs ED of Drol...
    Last edited by WARMachine; 09-22-2008 at 03:22 AM. Reason: yes, anapolon is basically anadrol.

  15. #15
    alrighty i got all that , glad i came on here , let me just say tho this stuff is damn expensive over here in aus .
    so do you suggest letro from the commencement of the cycle as you stated and run it til PCT or not use it and just begin with the HCG 2 weeks out of PCT and so on

  16. #16
    auss11e , hows your body going inside like your liver , because wot i read its pretty harsh , hence why i wanted to know how much to use , i read on diff sites between 50 and 100mg but i dont know anyone that has actually used it .would be good to hear some feed back from you seeing your using the stuff

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    No dont run the Letro from the beginning... You can use it once you see side effect then begin its use...

    Now you can either taper off with Nolvadex, or you can just run it throughout until the day before you begin PCT...

    From what ive read Anapolon is about the same as Anadrol...

    I can tell you 50mgs ED is plenty of Drol...

  18. #18
    war4BTT thanks heaps mate really do appreciate it so much , last question how much letro do i need to use ?
    so 50mgs ED is heaps hey ?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    i used 1 anapolan ed 50mg at the start of my cycle and it gave me a pretty good boost but only for first week or so, if i were to use it again i would use 100mg to take full advantage of them.. felt no liver problems or anything although wouldnt recommend drinking on them..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    The minimum dose for Deca is generally 400mgs/Wk. That is also the minimum dose of the Test that needs to be run along with Deca.
    I disagree with this. Deca on its own, sure I'd say 400mg/w, but with test, 200mg works fine. For beginners that is, which this guy seems to be. Same with test, a beginner should be able to grow on 250mg/w or something's terribly wrong with his diet and/or training. So 250 test/200 deca combo would definitely work. Question is what doses he used in his previous cycles and how long ago he did them.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Brisbane Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by hugearmz View Post
    auss11e , hows your body going inside like your liver , because wot i read its pretty harsh , hence why i wanted to know how much to use , i read on diff sites between 50 and 100mg but i dont know anyone that has actually used it .would be good to hear some feed back from you seeing your using the stuff
    Gotta say man, i seem good, i feel good. I've noticed unbelievable strength and i would say that the only side effect im suffering is a bad case of irritability...
    Only started using the Anapolon caus i had it there and thought id add it to my cycle..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brisbane Australia
    Also went up almost 30kg on the bench in 1 day as i stated in another thread..I know it sounds like bs but it's def true...Coulda lifted more if i had the weight. had to go to the local hardware to get a long bolt to put in the (multi gym) stack to hang some weights onto it.. Bent the fu#k outta the bolt lol........

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