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  1. #1
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    I'm Tapping Out to Prop Pain...

    I posted another thread asking some questions and explained the type of pain i'm having.

    I did a cycle of prop over the summer and the pain was pretty bad but i was only shooting 2 days a week. I got great results from that plus a little anavar but i'm on just test prop now and shooting eod and dudes... the PAIN IS INSANE.

    I've had some guys on here tell me they get no pian from prop so i'm guessing it just depends on the particular gear itself. I know the stuff is good because i get great results but i swear there's gotta be gasoline or tiny razor blades in it or something lol

    Anyways, after having my ass cheeks swollen to the size of soccer balls i decided i'd have to shoot somewhere else so i moved to the quads.. OUCH

    Long story short, i spent the last week or so literally not being able to get out of bed until the the vicodin kicks in. My legs feel like maybe 5 times more sore than the most brutal leg workout i've ever done. It is just ridiculous.

    I have to stop. I tap out. Please don't say to just man up. Trust me i have a crazy high pain and discomfort tolerance and what i do for a living would kill most people but the only way i can stay on this prop is to become a pain killer junkie and i've seen it happen to too many people in my line of work so again, i tap! lol

    Anyways, here's my question:

    I have access to some Andropen 275 by BD. I am going to try to switch over to that. First question is is that even a good idea? If it is then would i need to continue the current prop i'm on for about 3 or 4 weeks while i start the andropen or should i just stop my prop all together and start on the Andropen 275?

    I ask because i know andropen has some fast acting esthers in it as well as long ones so i want to be sure my levels don't get all funked up.

    Oh yeah and i've been on this current prop cycle for about 3 weeks if that means anything.

    thanks thanks any help would be awesome.

  2. #2
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    Dude, I dont know about your particular question you are asking here, but have you tried filtering your gear?

    Maybe the BA content may be too high in you gear, thats a possibility. I am currently shooting:

    Test prop 100mg ED
    Mast 100mg ED
    Tren A 50mg ED

    I am not experiencing anywhere near the pain you are talkint about, good luck bro.

  3. #3
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i read up on how to filter your gear but honestly man i'm somewhat new to this and it just seems a little bit beyond me at this point, pretty complicated. maybe i'll give it a shot though. thanks man.

    i'm just asking if i should just stop the current prop i'm on all together and jump onto andropen 275 or if i should continue the prop for another 3 weeks or so while i'm letting the andropen kick in.

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
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    i would stop the prop and run a longer ester test. certain people just cant handle it. with the longer esters you'll only have to shoot twice a week and they shouldnt be as painful
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    Is there any way to reduce the BA in prop, does filtering do that?

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
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    nope. you can try diluting it with b-12 or oil
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  7. #7
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    Ok , thanks

  8. #8
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    PT, Thanks man.

    I'm working on getting some enanthate or cyp right now but i've heard about diluting it a little bit either with b12 or grape seed oil.

    is that as simple as it sounds? like do i just add in a little bit of that?

    can you explain the process a little bit? thanks a lot.

    (ps, i ended up shooting again today... was all set with any more prop but then hit the gym and felt great so i said what the hell..)

  9. #9
    skinnykenney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    nope. you can try diluting it with b-12 or oil
    the b-12 does help.
    what injection spots are you using? you should have at least 4, if not 6!

  10. #10
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    the b-12 does help.
    what injection spots are you using? you should have at least 4, if not 6!
    i was using just my glutes but they were getting so unbelievably sore and swollen that i went to the quads.

    shot the left one and had some pain but i'd call it normal, it wasn't too bad. shot the right one on saturday and dude, it is un friggin bearable. could not get on my feet today until i took a couple vikes.

    i would try another spot but i can't imagine this type of pain in my delts or something. ouch.

    so you think i should just add in some b-12 oil? any particular amount? half and half?

  11. #11
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noobee View Post
    Is there any way to reduce the BA in prop, does filtering do that?
    Take the oil out of the vial and heat it. The alcohol will evaporate. Only problem is you'd have to put at least 1% ba back into it and refilter it into the vial.

  12. #12
    NEOSUP's Avatar
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    i mix my prop 1 to 1 with sterile oil anything less than that and the pain is on

  13. #13
    skycowboy's Avatar
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    I’ve shot painful prop, it was almost not worth it. I shot the quads and couldn’t walk. The glutes was the most tolerable spot, but the delts was not bad. Prop is my favorite test because of fewer sides if you can find the painless stuff.

  14. #14
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    I believe some ugl's put aspriin and other things in their prop to really help cut down on that pain.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    I believe some ugl's put aspriin and other things in their prop to really help cut down on that pain.
    Someone about a month ago said lidocaine was listed as one of the ingredients on the bottle. Bottom line is unless you get ethyl oleate based prop its gonna hurt.

  16. #16
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    Someone about a month ago said lidocaine was listed as one of the ingredients on the bottle. Bottom line is unless you get ethyl oleate based prop its gonna hurt.
    let me know what you think about this:

    i told a buddy of mine about the severe pain problems i'm having. he said he had a pal who shoots prop ed or eod all over himself and has never talked about pain.

    i think his prop had ethyl oleate in it like you mentioned above.

    anyways, this guy gave me a bottle with about 6 cc's of that painless stuff in it.

    today i did a 1ml shot with half of my stuff and half of his stuff mixed. you think that'll cut down on my pain? feeling good so far but it's only been a few hours.

  17. #17
    FreeDOOM's Avatar
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    whats the concentration of the prop you are using? I am on a prop cycle myself right now and It not a painless one for sure. I believe the concentration and the with what the gear is made is a huge factor. I have 75mg, 100mg and 200mg test prop. Now the 75mg is the most pleasant though not painless, the 100mg a tad bit more painful and the 200mg I will never use again. I took the stuff and diluted it to 100mg and added 50% EO. If it is ug stuff I would think about cutting it down with some eo and re filtering into a another bottle.

  18. #18
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muffin man View Post
    let me know what you think about this:

    i told a buddy of mine about the severe pain problems i'm having. he said he had a pal who shoots prop ed or eod all over himself and has never talked about pain.

    i think his prop had ethyl oleate in it like you mentioned above.

    anyways, this guy gave me a bottle with about 6 cc's of that painless stuff in it.

    today i did a 1ml shot with half of my stuff and half of his stuff mixed. you think that'll cut down on my pain? feeling good so far but it's only been a few hours.
    night and day difference with EO.

  19. #19
    reddohc is offline Associate Member
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    i find the board sponsors prop to be pretty painlesss.

  20. #20
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    the prop i'm using that is killing me is 200mg in a 2 ml amp. actually on the amp it says something like "guaranteed to be overfilled 30%" and then it says "230mg".

    i'm paraphrasing but it's something like that so yeah, that's why i'm thinking this stuff is killing me.

    like i said, i mixed half a cc of my prop and half a cc of this prop i got from a friend which supposedly has oe in it. i shot that on wednesday and so far it's just a little painful.

    QUESTION: can you buy ethyl oleate somewhere easy enough? if so, then where?

    thanks guys, not 2 be cheesy but this is helping me out bigtime and much appreciated

  21. #21
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    Glad its helping you out bro, thats what this board is for. Yeah you should be able to find EO pretty easy, a lot og ugls can hook you up no problem. Or check with your buddy, sounds like he knows where to get some. Real good to hear you getting this worked out man...nitro

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