I will be coming off my tren e shortly and actually started my test e 2-3 weeks after my tren e...... (not by choice but by bad planning and a lying supplier) Anyway my cycle went and is going like this.....
tren e 1-10 - 400mg / week
test e 3-15 - 500mg / week
test p 3-6 - 100mg / eod
dbol 6-10 - 30mg / day (wish i did this in the beginning but many said it would be fine to add in at 6-10)
Now I was thinking about increasing my test e to 750mg / week instead of 500mg for the last 5 weeks once I have come off tren. I could even bump it up to a gram / week..... Just curious because I have had a couple people tell me that the test at 500mg / week won't do ANYTHING for me anymore once I have come off the tren e so what if I increase the test to 750-1000mg / week instead of 500mg? Any input or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks