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  1. #1
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Exclamation why so fake???????? Please help

    what I would like to know is why there are so many ways of injecting fake test into your body, but no ways to get your natural test to those levels. These injectables shut down "boys" and force nasty side effects onto your body; and you have to cycle. So wouldn't it be smart to come up with a way to boost your natural test to a higher level (like 400% of what it is naturally)? And the tribulus stuff is not a good answer, because if that shit worked nobody would use as. I'm venting because I have an extremely attractive gf, but I am not nearly as interested as I was when taking steroids . If I didn't have to cycle I would just continue for my whole life, but since I can't, I am forced to deal with the "real life" sex drive I was given. Anybody know anything I can do???? What if I take a really low amount of test for a very long period of time? Will I never be able to have kids cuz my boys won't work?

    IS THERE ANYTHING THAT CAN RAISE MY NATURAL TEST LEVELS REALLY HIGH (SOMETHING I MIGHT BE ABLE TO USE FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME)??? ANYTHING PLEASE HELP!!!! I am not worried about anabolic effects. I just want a high sex drive. please help...

  2. #2
    bradhore's Avatar
    bradhore is offline Member
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    there are natural products other than steroids to give you a naturally good sex drive.

    Do you just want a sex drive or do you want to build up/gain muscle aswell?

  3. #3
    fujitsupalm is offline Associate Member
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    Try Viagra Bro

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    what I would like to know is why there are so many ways of injecting fake test into your body, but no ways to get your natural test to those levels. These injectables shut down "boys" and force nasty side effects onto your body; and you have to cycle. So wouldn't it be smart to come up with a way to boost your natural test to a higher level (like 400% of what it is naturally)? And the tribulus stuff is not a good answer, because if that shit worked nobody would use as. I'm venting because I have an extremely attractive gf, but I am not nearly as interested as I was when taking steroids . If I didn't have to cycle I would just continue for my whole life, but since I can't, I am forced to deal with the "real life" sex drive I was given. Anybody know anything I can do???? What if I take a really low amount of test for a very long period of time? Will I never be able to have kids cuz my boys won't work?

    IS THERE ANYTHING THAT CAN RAISE MY NATURAL TEST LEVELS REALLY HIGH (SOMETHING I MIGHT BE ABLE TO USE FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME)??? ANYTHING PLEASE HELP!!!! I am not worried about anabolic effects. I just want a high sex drive. please help...
    Wow , why didn't we think of that !

  5. #5
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Wow , why didn't we think of that !
    Because our brains are fried due to steroid use silly!!

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    we should note that products like viagra and cialis do not increase sex drive whatsoever. these products help with erectile dysfunction, but do not make you want sex more, like testosterone will. the original poster needs to clarify if he's having sexual dysfunction, or if he has the ability to perform normally but just doesn't want sex.

  7. #7
    fujitsupalm is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    we should note that products like viagra and cialis do not increase sex drive whatsoever. these products help with erectile dysfunction, but do not make you want sex more, like testosterone will. the original poster needs to clarify if he's having sexual dysfunction, or if he has the ability to perform normally but just doesn't want sex.
    Wow... I didn't actually know that... cheers Big...
    My friend actually works in Pfizer the inventor or whatever they call it of Viagra, but i never got round to ask him what it actually is... just thought it was a miracle drug that makes ppl wanna hump anything in sight..

    Sex drive huh... i dunno, i try keeping my sex drive up by watching porn and tribulus and the usual pct during the recovery time, but if we take steroids outta the equation, and lets say if someone out of the ordinary wanna keep the sex drive up. I guess watching porn helps too, cos i mean i had my fair share of porn watching when i was like 16 to 20, and i always wanted to bang my chick after watching...

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Cabaser may help

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    I just dont have a sex drive. not interested. Any ideas???

  10. #10
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    natty test boosters like trib or tongkat work wonders for libido aka sex drive. Also if you are in PCT you would loosed the drive due to low test levels and increased estrogen. I have found tho once the body restores homeostasis the desire is back. Some of those OTC supps for boosting natty test worked great for me and my sex drive all thru PCT.

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