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  1. #1
    EmilianoH's Avatar
    EmilianoH is offline New Member
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    Understanding Sustanon

    Ok, i bought six sustanon 250, and reading things in this board ( like terrible sust flu or incontrolable picks of testosterone with little gains or horrible pain for days where is applicated ) ... i feel like a totally waste my money, i am even thinking in throw away the sustanon and buy Testorene Enanthe, is this what i have to do ?

    As i can understand Sustanon 250 is composed by 4 esters of testosterone

    propionate 30mg (2 days)
    phenylpropionate 60mg (4 days)
    isocaproate 60mg (9 days)
    decanoate 100mg (15 days)

    every ester has different duration of action ...

    So if i take one dosis of sustanon 250

    at day 1 i would have 250 mg of testosterone
    at day 2, 220
    at day 4, 160
    at day 9, 100
    at day 15, almost nothing ?

    is this correct ?


  2. #2
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Day 1 250
    Day 3 235
    Day 5 197.5

    etc. But it's not linear like that. Yeah sell your sustanon to some n00b and buy test E or C.

  3. #3
    0tolerance's Avatar
    0tolerance is offline Associate Member
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    Sustanon works...
    people just say that it should be shot ED if you want to keep your blood levels even.
    ALOT of people have taken sustanon and seen great results, some people just dont like it by choice or because of all the bad threads they read(such as the ones you found).
    Its a heated debate when it comes to sustanon.

    But if you use it, you will gain muscle, there isnt a doubt in that..

  4. #4
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    Sustanon works...
    people just say that it should be shot ED if you want to keep your blood levels even.
    ALOT of people have taken sustanon and seen great results, some people just dont like it by choice or because of all the bad threads they read(such as the ones you found).
    Its a heated debate when it comes to sustanon.

    But if you use it, you will gain muscle, there isnt a doubt in that..
    agreed!imo its not ideal but its certainly not a waste of cash,but i would pin ed to get the most stable levels with least sides

  5. #5
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmilianoH View Post
    Ok, i bought six sustanon 250, and reading things in this board ( like terrible sust flu or incontrolable picks of testosterone with little gains or horrible pain for days where is applicated ) ... i feel like a totally waste my money, i am even thinking in throw away the sustanon and buy Testorene Enanthe, is this what i have to do ?

    As i can understand Sustanon 250 is composed by 4 esters of testosterone

    propionate 30mg (2 days)
    phenylpropionate 60mg (4 days)
    isocaproate 60mg (9 days)
    decanoate 100mg (15 days)

    every ester has different duration of action ...

    So if i take one dosis of sustanon 250

    at day 1 i would have 250 mg of testosterone
    at day 2, 220
    at day 4, 160
    at day 9, 100
    at day 15, almost nothing ?

    is this correct ?

    Understanding sustanon, i'll post it again.

    SUSTANON 250 contains four esters of testosterone with different durations of action. The esters are hydrolyzed into the natural hormone testosterone as soon as they enter the general circulation.

    A single dose of SUSTANON 250 leads to an increase of total plasma testosterone with peak levels of approximately 70 nmol/l (Cmax), which are reached approximately 24-48hrs (tmax) after administration. Plasma testosterone levels return to the lower limit of the normal range in males in approximately 21 days.
    So put simply, the esters release at the same time, they just have different durations of action.

    Sustanon was named specifically because it gave a SUSTained release of action.
    Sustanon in comparison to a single estered test is that it provides a constant sustained release of test over a longer period.

    For our purposes sustanon can be shot 2xwk and give incredibly stable plasma test levels. Look at any comparison graph showing the release rate of sustanon and a single estered product, they will both show a pretty identical logarithmic curve, the only difference is the sust peak will be higher and the duration of the curve will be longer.
    If you wish i can find the link to a clinical endo comparison chart.

  6. #6
    reddohc is offline Associate Member
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    send it my way

  7. #7
    EmilianoH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    If you wish i can find the link to a clinical endo comparison chart.
    yes please !

  8. #8
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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  9. #9
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmilianoH View Post
    yes please !

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    You'll need more then 6 amps though...

  11. #11
    EmilianoH's Avatar
    EmilianoH is offline New Member
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    thanks for that link ! now THAT is a very trustable source


    ... they look so cute and harmless

    anyway just in case for my first cycle i will buy Testoviron Depot 250 (Enanthe)

  12. #12
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    You'll need more then 6 amps though...
    was thinking the same thing
    as i scrolled down i was wondering who was gonna be the one to say

  13. #13
    boxer1's Avatar
    boxer1 is offline Associate Member
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    also you can shoot eod rather than ed which is what most people tend to do with sust

  14. #14
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmilianoH View Post
    thanks for that link ! now THAT is a very trustable source


    ... they look so cute and harmless

    anyway just in case for my first cycle i will buy Testoviron Depot 250 (Enanthe)


    sorry about your luck

  15. #15
    Roshambo's Avatar
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    I've used sustanon300 and had excellent gains and low sides. I was injecting every two days 1.5cc and stacked with Deca . I am now going to do an appropiate cycle the correct way. I know that I started with the wrong compounds but I liked the results.

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