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Thread: Injection times

  1. #1
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    Injection times

    So I'm working on planning my next cycle, which is going to have Test Prop. Being completely new to actual application of gear, I'm curious as to whether there is a standard for pinning or not. For ED test prop injections, do you pin at the same time everyday? Does it matter? If so, what is the best time? Do you pin morning, midday, or night? Is what time you workout affect what time you should pin? Also, on average, how long does it take for the whole process from start to finish everyday that you pin?

    Thanks for all input.

  2. #2
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, It sounds to me that doing gear is all new to you? If so, than you are gonna hate ED shots! Prop for ED is for guys who know what to expect and have been on gear before. Its not for newbies. You will just quit early and screw up your system.

    Maybe post your stats and let the vets on here take a look and maybe suggest what course you should take that'll keep you safe and get you to your goals.


  3. #3
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
    NewMuscle83 is offline Member
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    well, to be quite honest, I think I'm getting a little bit of conflicting opinions. I am 24, 5'10.5", 195 lbs, and about 9% bf. I do boxing and jiu jitsu. I wanted a cycle to get me harder, stronger, and more solid; without comprimising my weight greatly. the general consensus on this board was to do a test prop/var cycle, since I was not very impressed with my var only cycle. even though I'm new and test prop could b painful, and quite a handfull since its ED pinning, most people recommended it over test e since that might bloat me and not benefit me as much due to the type of sports I'm involved in. personally, I dnt like needles, and I'm definitely not excited about everyday injections for 10 freaking weeks; however, I am willing to put up with it, and do what I have to do to achieve my goals.

  4. #4
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Whether a cycle affects your weight depends on diet. Isocaloric diet with AAS will lead to no or only slight weight gain.

    The difference in bloating between test E and test P is not significant. And again, bloating has a lot to do with diet.

  5. #5
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, Remember that Prop can be painful and you are gonna have to hit Glutes, Pecs, Thighs and delts to keep up the ED hits. Plus if you train MMA you are gonna get that sore muscle group that you just pinned pissed off when you get hit there!

    If you are already at your best fighting weight, than the only thing that makes sense is to hit GD gym like a friggin animal.....

    Best of luck, MJ

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