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Thread: What if i get the "sust flu" ?

  1. #1

    Question What if i get the "sust flu" ?

    If i get the "sust flu" should i continue with the cycle ?

    Let's supose that in my first injection of sustanon i get the flu, when i do the second inject, i wll get the flu again ?

    Is correct to train while you have the flu ? how bad can be the flu ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tombstone, AZ
    What if you get the bird flu??

    Dude...I would cross that bridge IF I came to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Western US
    I am on test prop 80mg ed, about every week and a half I get a mild version of the test flu. I get the chills and feel like absolute shit. seems to only last about a day and the next day I feel tip top. I tried to work out on one of those days only got half way through. So dont worry about it, if you get it use your judgment wither you want to work out or not.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by FreeDOOM View Post
    I am on test prop 80mg ed, about every week and a half I get a mild version of the test flu. I get the chills and feel like absolute shit. seems to only last about a day and the next day I feel tip top. I tried to work out on one of those days only got half way through. So dont worry about it, if you get it use your judgment wither you want to work out or not.
    really?! jesus christ how the hell... I got it once from 400mg/ml gear, i wouldnt even describe it as flu, it was more like near death pain.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    What if you get the bird flu??

    Dude...I would cross that bridge IF I came to it.
    is better to be prepared ...


    What about the second injection, you get the flu again ? or is just for the first one ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    you must imediately send your gear to me!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Its not something that happens to evceryone and it won't neccessarily be on the first shot either
    I have used several different susts and only had it once.
    If you do get it don't stop your cycle and just work through it you'll be over it in a day or two
    Really nothing to worry about in my opinion

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i had problems with test flu at the end of my cycle when i started a new vial, the last 3 weeks i ran a fever, chills and puked for 2 days following my injuections of test e, it sucked... and i still have some test left in that vial and plan on starting my next cycle with it, i read in a thread that there is supplies you can buy from lion to filter it and it should help with preventing the flu, i will be doing a search on this topic when it comes time to start my next cycle

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