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Thread: Need gyno help, OK to take caber+nolva?

  1. #1

    Question Need gyno help, OK to take caber+nolva?

    I am getting gyno symptoms since 2 weeks (that was just 1.5 week after I started my cycle). It was only slight itchy feeling in nips and I wasn't even sure if its gyno or just in my head.

    3 days ago, I noticed slight puffiness in nips, so no doubt now (damn).

    I started taking nolva (tamoxifen) 30mg ed but today the itch got worse and now I feel slight pain too (besides the puffiness). So now after 3 days, considering that it might be the other gyno, I popped in a .5 mg tab of caber (dostinex).

    3 Questions now,

    #. How long should I wait too see if the puffiness/itchiness goes away (or atleast starts to go away)? Really need a timeline on this, when should I hit the doc?

    #. With Caber, is it safe to continue taking nolva too or should I drop nolva now? (Planned Dose: .5mg caber e3d and 20mg nolva ed)

    #. Any other possible helpful suggestions?

    (I have tried to be calm in my post but I am totally freaked out right now, please help. No hard lumps yet and I don't want any. Please tell me that the puffiness will go away.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    we need to know what Gear your running bro and what doses

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    what are you taking a 19 nor?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    oh and calm down. you're fine


  5. #5
    I started with deca (a single 100mg shot) but then dropped the idea and then started with a different cycle 10 days later. The itchiness-in-my-head started before I had shot anything except deca.

    (I am sorry, I know I shouldn't have I messed it like this, taking deca alone and then switching plans, you can yell at me if you want).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBigGuy View Post
    I started with deca (a single 100mg shot) but then dropped the idea and then started with a different cycle 10 days later. The itchiness-in-my-head started before I had shot anything except deca.

    (I am sorry, I know I shouldn't have I messed it like this, taking deca alone and then switching plans, you can yell at me if you want).

    well we still need to know WHAT ARE YOU ON NOW!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    one shot of deca wont cause gyno.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    well we still need to know WHAT ARE YOU ON NOW!!!
    x2 Layout your current cycle for more help!

  9. #9
    This is gonna sound real stupid but I don't know. My deca adventure was with a friend but its my trainer at the gym whose managing my cycle now and he is not coming to gym since 3 days, I plan to get his home address first thing tomorrow morning.

    What I do know is that I am taking 25mg anabol ed and he is giving me test with 1 more thing. I don't know how much test and what is that other thing.

    Flame me for this, but I just wasn't expecting trouble in a supposedly light cycle, didn't do too much research as I just trusted him, but maybe that single deca shot tripped it for me.

    Now I think nolva or caber (more likely in my case, due to deca) should cover all the possibilities. Should I get letro too? Its available at half-an-hour drive but expensive.

    Besides getting a hold of my trainer, am concerned about response time with caber before I should rush to doc, when should I start seeing effect? And is it ok to continue with nolva too?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Get Letro and pct and stop this cycle immediately. You dont even know what you are being injected with. That is so irresponsible and stupid I cant even begin to explain. Stop cycle immediately! Run an aggressive pct with clomid/letro then once you stop the letro take some nolva to help prevent an estro rebound from coming off of the Letro.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    WOW i can not begin to understand how you let someone inject you with something when you dont even know what it is

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i agree with redz


    get clomid and nolva (the site sponser sells it)

    and do a PCT

    then smack the shit out of your trainer

  13. #13
    I understand redz, I am feeling better as now I atleast know that if/when I have full info, I will get help here.

    I am not taking any more of this stuff before I figure out this gyno thing. I will find out what I have been taking and post it here tomorrow so that you guys can help me better, maybe my trainer will also have some help to offer.

    I will get letro anyhow but will letro help if its the 19 nor gyno?

    For now, Nolva either increased or atleast didnt help with my puffiness and time increased it, I hope 3 days isn't too short a period for this conclusion. Even if I start with my pct, I had planned 20mg nolva + 50mg colmid I should probably still be needing caber. Right?

    How long should I wait and watch for caber to help? Because whatever I was taking wont get flushed out before 10-15 days I think (the halflifes).

    I will find out and post my cycle tomorrow for sure.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Letro is the absolute best for 19nor gyno.

  15. #15
    OK, thanks. I will get letro, find out my cycle details, and post all that tomorrow.

    A few even-more-worst case scenario questions :-|

    Will nolva+caber be ok if I can't find letro, or should I take only caber? (I held it in my hand today but left it due to price and got caber instead, but just in case its not there tomorrow).

    Worst case, assuming I can't find any info and start with pct, how long before I should see my puffiness reduce? With caber and with letro.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBigGuy View Post
    OK, thanks. I will get letro, find out my cycle details, and post all that tomorrow.

    A few even-more-worst case scenario questions :-|

    Will nolva+caber be ok if I can't find letro, or should I take only caber? (I held it in my hand today but left it due to price and got caber instead, but just in case its not there tomorrow). (No, Nolva with Deca will cause more sides! Get the Letro.)

    Worst case, assuming I can't find any info and start with pct, how long before I should see my puffiness reduce? With caber and with letro. (You need to get a PCT. Letro causes a estrogen rebound effect, which is no big deal, just stop taking it a day before your PCT begins, and the PCT drugs will handle it. However, if you dont do a PCT, you might be worse off.)

  17. #17
    So what I need to do is:

    Take letro. for 2 weeks? what dose?
    Then start with pct, 20mg novla ed and 50 mg clomid ed?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    .25mgs ED...

    Yeah thats a alright PCT, i would grab an AI as well, thats just me though...

    How long were you on cycle? i couldnt tell, you were running around too much before...

  19. #19
    Thanks guys.

    I will get letro tomorrow. Will also find out my cycle details. Lets see if that changes the plans. Otherwise I will do as suggested, go off cycle and start with recoveries.

  20. #20
    I am on deca + test, pretty low doses (50-100mg and 100-200 mg. Starting low, tapering up). My trainer was planning to taper up more based on sides-effects and gains. Injected twice a week. Am also taking anabol, 25 mg ed oral. Total planned length is 10 weeks, I am in 3rd week now (excluding that stupid extra deca shot I took 10 days before starting the real cycle).

    Back to my gyno, I have till now taken a .5 mg tab of caber (3 days ago) and a .5 mg tab of letro (2 days ago). I could only find 2.5 mg tabs of letro, so broke it into 4 parts and took the smallest one. I plan to split parts further to get ~.3 mg pieces.

    My itchiness and pain in nips is all gone, puffiness is still there. I plan to take just one more tab of caber today and then continue with only letro .3mg daily till the puffiness goes. Is this fine? How long should I wait to see results before moving to a higher dose of letro? Or should I rather drop letro and continue with caber? Its only one tab of letro I have taken yet so maybe I shouldn't worry about letro's estro-rebound yet, your thoughts?

    I would like to continue with this cycle. My trainer skipped my shot that was due on friday and said we will continue only if the meds show effect (he also suggested proviron instead of letro but I had already got letro by then). Meds are working, so I would like to continue with my shot from monday.

    Now if I continue with my cycle, what should be my maintenance doses for gyno prevention. Should I continue with caber all along or with letro? For caber it should be .5 mg e3d? and with letro should I take .25 ed for prevention also, or can I take .25mg eod (letro has a 2 day half life and I heard its very hard on joints)?

    And if you recommend letro for prevention all along the cycle, then what about estro-rebound? Do I need to keep taking it for 2 weeks till after the end of my cycle and then start with my nolva+clomid pct?

    Would have posted this earlier but seems like forum had a bit of downtime over the weekend. Really appreciate your help, don't know what would have become of me and my nips without you guys

  21. #21
    I am not as panicked as I was when I started this thread, but can still use some help. Please.

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