I am currently 39 years of age, 6’0”, 205lbs, 12%bf. I have trained sporadically most of my life, but consistently for the last 3 years.
Cycle experience consists of one cycle earlier this year. Started out as 250mg Test Cyp 2x/week, but towards the end of my cycle I found I preferred 375mg 2x/week. I used some d-bol to kickstart the first few weeks. Ended up being very long for a first cycle, 20 weeks in total before PCT. My bf went from around 17% before the cycle, down to about 12% by the end. I gained about 15 lbs during the cycle, and prob kept about 8lbs of actual new muscle since finishing PCT.
I’m currently planning my next cycle and think this one might be fun!
wondering if I’m on the right track
…critique anyone? ...suggestions?
TEST-Cyp 500mg/week Week 1-14
EQ 500mg/week Week 1-12
D-Bol 40mg/ed Week 1-4, Anavar 60mg/ ed Week 5-16, Proviron 50mg/ed Week 1-14,
Milk Thistle ed Week 1-20
Clenbuterol 60mcg/ed Week 14-20, HCG 250iu 2x/Week 12-16,
Nolvadex 50mg/ed Week 16-20, Proviron 50mg/ed Week 15-20