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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Strength gains on halo

    Whatever it is that causes the immense strength gain on halo - if its purely a chemical reaction in the body causing the muscles to contract faster (??) would that mean all strength gains are lost when its discontinued - or do u keep some of the strength gains? any personal experience?
    Last edited by anabolictonic; 09-29-2008 at 06:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    What causes the immense strength gain on halo - if its purely a chemical reaction in the body causing the muscles to contract faster (??) would that mean all strength gains are lost when its discontinued - or do u keep some of the strength gains?
    Halo is strongly androgenic , and androgens have a strong effect on CNS activity, resulting in more muscle fibers recruited and coordinated in a better way. Androgens also promote aggression which usually helps with lifting. I can't say I've had bad experiences with pct, but I've heard people who used androgens (not necessarily halo) without pct and kept most of their strength gains. Usually the key to keeping whatever it is you get from a cycle is the pct, which I think you should read up on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    ahh interesting - anyone else care to shed any light.

  4. #4
    M1chael is offline New Member
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    Nov 2004

    Halo is one of the weak androgens and the androgen receptor affinity is poor. Its chemical structure can be rather compared to cortisol than a steroid . Halo is simply a very effective anti-glucocorticoid, it is like taking a stress hormone what causes the rage and strength. It binds to cortisol receptors and therefore shows the dramatic anti katabol effect (not anabolic ) caused by cortisol inhibition and increases red cell mass simultaneously, every antiglucocorticoid will lean you out but also covers psycho dangers.
    The high liver toxicity comes from the fact that the liver has to break down 3 bindings and means a huge stress for the kidneys too. Very toxic.
    Last edited by M1chael; 09-30-2008 at 10:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Drake Hotel is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by M1chael View Post

    Halo is one of the weak androgens and the androgen receptor affinity is poor. Its chemical structure can be rather compared to cortisol than a steroid . Halo is simply a very effective anti-glucocorticoid, it is like taking a stress hormone what causes the rage and strength. It binds to cortisol receptors and therefore shows the dramatic anti katabol effect (not anabolic ) caused by cortisol and increases red cell mass simultaneously, every antiglucocorticoid will lean you out but also covers psycho dangers.
    The high liver toxicity comes from the fact that the liver has to break down 3 bindings and means a huge stress for the kidneys too. Very toxic.
    Just because it binds weakly to the androgen receptor doesn't necessarily make a weak androgen, Anavar for example binds tightly with the androgen receptor but is only weakly androgenic .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    thanks you both stated interesting facts

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