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Thread: How hard can i diet while on?

  1. #1

    How hard can i diet while on?

    Hey guys ..

    I'm planning my first serious cut, I want to maintain as much muscle mass as possible .. I would like to reach contest condition in 12 weeks. I need your opinion on my diet and cycle ... This cycle is going to be my 4th

    240 lbs
    BF 15-16 % ?
    18" arms
    Waist 36"

    1-12 Test e 250 mg/wk
    1-10 Tren Ace 50 mg/eod
    1-6 Clen


    Meal 1
    8 Eggs

    Meal 2
    40 gr whey protein

    Meal 3
    Chicken breast with brown rice

    Meal 4
    1 Banana and 40 grams of whey

    Meal 5 Post workout
    Meal replacer with oats and banana

    Meal 6
    40 gr whey before bed

    My main concern is the diet .. All suggestions are welcome

    I appreciate your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cycle looks good. With cutting diet I'd suggest you try looking into carb cycling I think it works real well and keeps fat loss more consistent throughout. I'd take out one of those whey's and replace with real food(meat). Other than that just make sure to do medium intensity cardio ED for at least 45minutes or you can try doing HIIT cardio if you're upto it, google it if you're not sure what it is. I'd say its more effective way of doing cardio but also a lot harder.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Cycle looks good. With cutting diet I'd suggest you try looking into carb cycling I think it works real well and keeps fat loss more consistent throughout. I'd take out one of those whey's and replace with real food(meat). Other than that just make sure to do medium intensity cardio ED for at least 45minutes or you can try doing HIIT cardio if you're upto it, google it if you're not sure what it is. I'd say its more effective way of doing cardio but also a lot harder.
    Thanks mate!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I'm also on a similar cycle. Test P 100mg/day, Tren A 100mg/day.

    From what i've read on here, several people have claimed they have been in up to a 1000 calorie deficit, and still gained strength (mainly Tren).

    As for diet, i'm doing 6 days mod carb, 1 day high.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hey hey dont take this the wrong way but 4 out 6 meals being shakes is a no no keep the pwo shake id use a whey isolate personaly as those weight gainers are loaded with fats and carbs if im not mistaken ? good protein sources wich are cheap would be tuna, salmon tilapia cottage cheese (HEARD good befor bed apparently ther a form of a casein protein), steak( i like stewing steak cause you can cook a bunch out at once and weigh out your servings ) white fish ( tilapia is a good choice cheap and high in protein) but basicly aim for 1 grams of protein per pound of muscle and for carbs id go roughly 1.5 gram per pound of muscle and decreasing carb intake as you get closer to contest are you familiar with any contest prep such as carb loading and depleting sodium intake water intake diuretics etc etc?
    Last edited by mxer_kx; 09-28-2008 at 09:37 PM.

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