my friend is on 150mg / day of oral dbol and he doesn't have the water retention everyone speaks of. Is this an excessive amount?
my friend is on 150mg / day of oral dbol and he doesn't have the water retention everyone speaks of. Is this an excessive amount?
I see no reason to go over 50mg/day. More is not necessarily better.
that's what he says about the test he's on. I can't imagine why he needs that much dbol. He is one of those guys that stay on all year round to.
150mgs dbol every day is silly.
no need to go over 50mgs ed .
bloat will be there without a doubt .
lol and his liver will be gone
That is a stupid dose, 50mg maybe 60mg tops I can understand but dbol gains are over rated in alot of cases. I have used it different times and had drastically different results based on diet and training. Dbol can or cannot have alot of water retention it all depends. I still can`t imagine using 150mg/day.
This is correct, i am currently on 50 mg ed and that is a high end dosage. Ignore the people who take 100-150 mgs ed and think they get far better results. They are blinded by ignorance! 50 was even a bit high for myself, it may cause nose bleeds. Orals cause cell membranes in your nose to thin. Along with the high blood pressure.
Anything over 50 mgs ed, you are doing too much unwanted damage to the liver as well.
thanks guys. I will forward this to my buddy.
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