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I'm no expert here, as many variables come into play but by what you describe above, you might be experiencing decreased shbg concentrations. When this happens, one may experience decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction. In women, this is known as hirsutism, where women experience abnormal hair growth from high testosterone levels.
Most likely cause, as paradoxical this might seem to you, could be from the anti-estrogen effect you went through the PCT. Although you were using hcg, 3500 p/w for 3 wks (=10,500ius) -in your case- might have not been enough (15,000 is the suggested dose a week; too much IMO for most youngster 30<+). A free andro index test (fai) -free testosterone per shbg-should be able to determine if your shbg levels are way low. The problem is not the that your Test levels are low per say, in fact they might be at or above normal levels. However, the culprit behing your symptoms might be the fact that they are not bound to the sex hormone (shbg) itself. This is where a bloodwork comes in handy to determine what exactly is the cause of your ED-like sides since you were through w/PCT a little over 4 weeks.