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Thread: whats wrong with me?

  1. #1
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    Unhappy whats wrong with me?

    ok a little freaked out here and need your help. i did my first cycle in april and ended early july. my cycle consisited of test prop, deca, and, masteron. i used ar's method of pct which was nolva 20mg/day wk 1-6, hcg 500iu/day wk 1-3, aromasin 20mg/day wk 1-4, and vitamin e 1000iu/day wk 1-3. i know the hcg may seem a bit much but after hearing from a few different people that have tried it with good results i decided to try it. i completed pct about mid august.

    ive been doing good holding onto most of my weight and gains and only decreasing about 20% or so in strength. the problem is that recently my libido has gone down and am having a hard time keeping a full erection. im still able to please my girl but i myself am having a hard time finsihing off. kinda start goin limp beofire i can finish. did i do something wrong somehwere? im worried that i might have permanently f*kd something up. please...i dont know what to do any advice would really help. thanks!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I would consider getting bloodwork done.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would consider getting bloodwork done.
    Hey Big have you ever heard of this or something similar happening?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would consider getting bloodwork done.
    Or possibly getting a new girlfriend! JK, I would get your blood checked liked stated above, but put some thought into the new girlfriend, if I can't finish it usually means I am bored.

  5. #5
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    has she gotten burned, gained weight or kicked in the face?

    that would make it hard for me to finish...

  6. #6
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    alright guys hes serious please stop messing around

  7. #7
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    lol...i find that it is hard to finish with tren....but im up for a long long that my cardio vascular level wears out befor im ready to cum

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youngster77 View Post
    Hey Big have you ever heard of this or something similar happening?
    I've seen threads from time to time where this has been an issue.

  9. #9
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    bro i think ur thinking about it to much and its just a mental thing. those things happen every once in awhile. u could just be stressed or depressed. dont have sex or play with ur willy all day tomarow. just relax watch a couple movies and then the day after tomarow get work done. if its still a problem i wouldnt worry. i would give it a good week before i start thinking somthings wrong.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would consider getting bloodwork done.
    X's 2

  11. #11
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    making an appointment for bloodwork first thinh in the morning. anyone have any idea what the problem could be if any?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youngster77 View Post
    making an appointment for bloodwork first thinh in the morning. anyone have any idea what the problem could be if any?
    probably nothing...anxiety maybe...but good for you for getting to a doctor...cant be too carefull

  13. #13
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    after my last cycle of tren/test suspension
    my penis layed limp on my stomach like large,
    dead salamander all the while my girlfriend was naked
    and trying to arouse me.....nothing!

    this happened about 4 times and it sucked.

    after that the boners were less than average
    they would only get "semi hard"

    took about 8 weeks to get back to normal

    and yes. i did PCT

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by PingPang View Post
    my penis layed limp on my stomach like large,
    dead salamander
    thanks for the everytime i see a salamander Im gonna think about your cock

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  16. #16
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    Dont believe him Ping, he said the same thing to me a while ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    everytime i see a salamander Im gonna think about your cock WAR...

  17. #17
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    o those salamanders!

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    be carefull what you wish!!! I love u 2

    ever see a salamander hack a lugy?


  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    open wide

  22. #22
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    someone please lock this thread hehehe

  23. #23
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    Let me know how the bloodwrok goes please.... i'm curious.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youngster77 View Post
    making an appointment for bloodwork first thinh in the morning. anyone have any idea what the problem could be if any?
    I'm no expert here, as many variables come into play but by what you describe above, you might be experiencing decreased shbg concentrations. When this happens, one may experience decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction. In women, this is known as hirsutism, where women experience abnormal hair growth from high testosterone levels.

    Most likely cause, as paradoxical this might seem to you, could be from the anti-estrogen effect you went through the PCT. Although you were using hcg, 3500 p/w for 3 wks (=10,500ius) -in your case- might have not been enough (15,000 is the suggested dose a week; too much IMO for most youngster 30<+). A free andro index test (fai) -free testosterone per shbg-should be able to determine if your shbg levels are way low. The problem is not the that your Test levels are low per say, in fact they might be at or above normal levels. However, the culprit behing your symptoms might be the fact that they are not bound to the sex hormone (shbg) itself. This is where a bloodwork comes in handy to determine what exactly is the cause of your ED-like sides since you were through w/PCT a little over 4 weeks.
    Last edited by "Maximus"; 10-01-2008 at 12:04 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Maximus" View Post
    I'm no expert here, as many variables come into play but by what you describe above, you might be experiencing decreased shbg concentrations. When this happens, one may experience decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction. In women, this is known as hirsutism, where women experience abnormal hair growth from high testosterone levels.

    Most likely cause, as paradoxical this might seem to you, could be from the anti-estrogen effect you went through the PCT. Although you were using hcg, 3500 p/w for 3 wks (=10,500ius) -in your case- might have not been enough (15,000 is the suggested dose a week; too much IMO for most youngster 30<+). A free andro index test (fai) -free testosterone per shbg-should be able to determine if your shbg levels are way low. The problem is not the that your Test levels are low per say, in fact they might be at or above normal levels. However, the culprit behing your symptoms might be the fact that they are not bound to the sex hormone (shbg) itself. This is where a bloodwork comes in handy to determine what exactly is the cause of your ED-like sides since you were through w/PCT a little over 4 weeks.

    thanks for the information. if in fact my shbg levels are low, is there something i can do to bring them back up? or will time take care of the problem? thanks again!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youngster77 View Post
    thanks for the information. if in fact my shbg levels are low, is there something i can do to bring them back up? or will time take care of the problem? thanks again!
    Well, green tea may actually help you on this at 4 or 5 cups per day. Also, you can add some Clomid at 50mg + cabergoline for 2 - 4 weeks to increase libido. The Clomid + caber have synergistic effects in increasing libido, as well as helping restore natty levels. Also, some cialis in the mean time wouldn't hurt.

    Again, these are just suggestions not MEDICAL advice... I suggest you to pay a visit to the doc and get that blood work done so don't take my suggestions as what you should ultimately do.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Maximus" View Post
    Well, green tea may actually help you on this at 4 or 5 cups per day. Also, you can add some Clomid at 50mg + cabergoline for 2 - 4 weeks to increase libido. The Clomid + caber have synergistic effects in increasing libido, as well as helping restore natty levels. Also, some cialis in the mean time wouldn't hurt.

    Again, these are just suggestions not MEDICAL advice... I suggest you to pay a visit to the doc and get that blood work done so don't take my suggestions as what you should ultimately do.
    Green tea, interesting, I've never heard of it increasing libido?

    I always add a natural test booster when I come off, something like vitrix works well for me, but I heard cialis works better for loss of sex drive.

  28. #28
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    [QUOTE=DS21;4230473]Green tea, interesting, I've never heard of it increasing libido?

    No libido per say, as I was generalizing along with the Clomid+Caber... green tea extract might help in elevating shbg levels without significantly elevating estro levels... there's a host of factors that plays into this, but green tea extract has a host of beneficial sides, besides potentially stimulating/regulating androgen activity (shbg), without the side effects of using an anti-androgen to elevate shbg levels. I've never used vitrix but like you say, I would use cialis for any ED problem that I might develop.
    Last edited by "Maximus"; 10-01-2008 at 02:31 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post
    Green tea, interesting, I've never heard of it increasing libido?

    No libido per say, as I was generalizing along with the Clomid+Caber... green tea extract might help in elevating shbg levels without significantly elevating estro levels... there's a host of factors that plays into this, but green tea extract has a host of beneficial sides, besides potentially stimulating/regulating androgen activity (shbg), without the side effects of using an anti-androgen to elevate shbg levels. I've never used vitrix but like you say, I would use cialis for any ED problem that I might develop.
    I wasn't trying to say it wouldn't help, I just never heard of it helping in that department. All the recomendations you gave where perfect, just the green tea was interesting to me. Like I said, I've never heard of it helping with the elevation of shbg, but will research it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DS21 View Post

    I wasn't trying to say it wouldn't help, I just never heard of it helping in that department. All the recomendations you gave where perfect, just the green tea was interesting to me. Like I said, I've never heard of it helping with the elevation of shbg, but will research it.
    It's ok bro, I was actually referring to the clomid+caber not the green tea; I was making reference to the green tea that a significant concentration of it has been associated with stimulating shbg levels. Yeah, it helps on many things... green tea is the ****! lol

    If you are interested in doing further reading about this subject, I can pm you some research materials for reading that talk about this!


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