What happends when someone has been on propecia (dht blocker) and then begins a cycle? One drug is trying to block a certain test and the other drug is increasing it...
What happends when someone has been on propecia (dht blocker) and then begins a cycle? One drug is trying to block a certain test and the other drug is increasing it...
Depending on the dose and if you continue it during cycle the cycle may not produce the results you are looking for.
What dose are you taking it at? Whats the cycle?
I just started propecia at .5 mgs a day. Im 19 and have been training naturally for 2 years (cycle at 17 which i now highly regret). Im pretty frustrated with natural weight gain but im sticking to it for now. If i do decide to try round 2 it would be a 12 week of test - e and t-bol.
I'm still lost......... why are you taking propecia?
Im already prone to hairloss through genetics. The 1 cycle i did probably made it worse. Im shedding and my hairline is receeding. Im 19 and i want to have hair in my twenties
yeah that sucks brother I will be honest with you. Taking propecia can limit androgens which are beneficial during a cycle for strength etc. I wrote a good post on this few days ago, I will find it for you. You may have to decide which do you want more, to use steroids or your hair. No point in running cycles without any substantial gains with shutting yourself down for only a couple pounds of weight or strength. Not worth it IMO.
Quoting myself
A response I gave to the guy with similar problemsDHT is a stronger androgen and binds to the receptor 3-5 times more strong than testosterone. Blocking the formation of DHT cause in some individuals to have significantly reduced performance effects. More than likely it is caused by the reduction of androgenic effects in other parts of the body that contribute to the ergogenic effects, specially the CNS, which is stimulated by androgens to increase neural output leading to greater strength and recoverability.
Again as stated, it is very tricky. I assume your using the propecia due to the history of male pattern baldness in your family correct?? DHT has anti-estrogen effects and blocking DHT can cause increased estrogen. And now you know that estrogen is more about control than anything so you don't want to reduce your levels by 80%. See this is where blood work is so handy. You can check your estradiol and you can also get your DHT levels checked. I can't give you any sure-fire way of knowing what will happen. Maybe others can chime in and offer you in sight on their experiences with different doses. There are studies that say there is a significant drop in DHT from just 0.2mg of finasteride. Look into arimidex or lowering the dose of the aromasin as well.
Sorry I can't be more of a help
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