Reading the Deca profile on here, i noticed that it said that once Deca is administered, it suppresses the natty test 100%! So it is imperative to take a Test dose of around twice that of Deca? So, i was wondering if it supresses it, and makes it that much harder to bring your natty test back right before and during pct, what are the absolute benefits of it that if you were just to take the Test E alone?? And also, it speaks of taking an anti-progesteronic such as Cabergoline and Bromocriptine....yet I dont see many cycles including either of these.... 23 yo, 5'11, 186lbs, 10.2%bf, getting more strict with my diet. Cycle was going to be Test E 400mg/wk(E3D) and Deca 300mg/wk. If i can find some adex, id include it but all i have now is Nolva. Any input is appreciated!