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Thread: Deca/Test E questions?

  1. #1

    Deca/Test E questions?

    Reading the Deca profile on here, i noticed that it said that once Deca is administered, it suppresses the natty test 100%! So it is imperative to take a Test dose of around twice that of Deca? So, i was wondering if it supresses it, and makes it that much harder to bring your natty test back right before and during pct, what are the absolute benefits of it that if you were just to take the Test E alone?? And also, it speaks of taking an anti-progesteronic such as Cabergoline and Bromocriptine....yet I dont see many cycles including either of these.... 23 yo, 5'11, 186lbs, 10.2%bf, getting more strict with my diet. Cycle was going to be Test E 400mg/wk(E3D) and Deca 300mg/wk. If i can find some adex, id include it but all i have now is Nolva. Any input is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    it is not necessary to take more test than deca, that is a myth that is often repeated and listed in many articles. the fact is, deca suppresses your natural test, but can not and will not suppress the test that you inject. therefore if you inject just 250mg/week test and shoot 500mg/week deca, you will still have much more test present in your system than you would off cycle.
    as for the deca, many find the 19nor groups like deca and tren to be much more potent mass builders than test alone.
    keep in mind however, that a first cycle should always be test alone, save the deca for later cycles when you no longer respond as well to just test.
    just my 2 cents.

  3. #3
    thanks alot Big, what about the administering of an anti-progesteronic?? Havent seen many cycles with that included, any reason why?? Suggestions??

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
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    I disagree. Im on exactly what you said, 250 of test and 6oo of deca and Im shut down hard. Nut aches, hard to cum and sometimes doesn't stay hard all the way through sex. At 500mgs of test it made up for the shut down. From experience I recommend to run at least or more test then your deca dosage to maintain a good libido. No everyone is different of corse, but this happens every time to me. Im also running 50mgs of proviron which makes it better, not perfect. 100mgs made things normal, but is pretty expensive to keep up with for a whole cycle. Im 34, I just deal with the libido loss, it actually makes me more aggressive then when Im getting laid ed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehalfbreed View Post
    thanks alot Big, what about the administering of an anti-progesteronic?? Havent seen many cycles with that included, any reason why?? Suggestions??
    I have bad progest/prolatic problems also, I run a lite dosage of letro and proviron like I stated above.

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    BG, are you sure your issues aren't estrogen/progestin/prolactin related? I agree everyone is different, but I don't see how injected test could be suppressed.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    BG, are you sure your issues aren't estrogen/progestin/prolactin related? I agree everyone is different, but I don't see how injected test could be suppressed.
    I take letro and proviron, not to much letro, .5. It happened once I raised deca from 200 to 600. I normaly run test 250/deca 200 for hrt, Ill stop the deca for a few months then bump it up to 600 or so.

    just for the record for you guys, nothings better then human grade deca.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I take letro and proviron, not to much letro, .5. It happened once I raised deca from 200 to 600. I normaly run test 250/deca 200 for hrt, Ill stop the deca for a few months then bump it up to 600 or so.

    just for the record for you guys, nothings better then human grade deca.
    interesting, good info as always bro.

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    This is why i stear clear of Deca...

    That and the decection time...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    interesting, good info as always bro.
    You could be right though too, I dont have blood work so maybe when I raise it sets a estro/proges levels off, who knows, its a constant battle with me. Plus being on hrt doesnt help. So many guys glamorize it, but after 6 moths your libido sucs, its not like being on cycle akll the time and if your diet goes to shit you retain lots of water easy. Hair growth is a bitch, Im so fuc'n hairy, but, you dont lose gains.

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    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
    ok thanks for the advice also BG, but does the letro and proviron help with the progesterone levels or what?? im still not gettin any answer to the caber and bromo situation haha, but i will not be taking Deca this go around, this is only my 2nd cycle so i intended on taking Test E alone at about 400mg/wk. So with just the test should i only worry about taking and AI and SERM like usual?? possibly adex and nolva(tho ive read here not to run the two together for complications??)

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
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    Ive never used caber but many love it, I will when I find human grade at a decent price, but letro does work, but you limiting your estrogen which in needed for binding purposes. A serm only would be fine for test only cycle.

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    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

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    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  13. #13
    so you dont think that i need an AI whatsoever?? and everyones response to when i should take Nolva is only when symptoms of gyno appear, whats your take on that?? and thanks again for all your help BG. with such a basic cycle, what should my pct look like?? ive asked members before and they said that anthony roberts pct is too much for such a simplistic cycle. and ive heard talk of joining clomid/nolva on this cycle....but then had members dispute saying that youre contradicting the effects of both when it takes way more clomid to compete with nolva....any advice appreciated bro!

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