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Thread: Swimming

  1. #1


    Long time no see everyone! I just got out of surgery tuesday morning, had a tonsillectomy done, not too fun....but I was sitting here thinking swimming starts soon. I was curious to know if anyone knew some good stuff out their for it.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by USAFPararescue View Post
    Long time no see everyone! I just got out of surgery tuesday morning, had a tonsillectomy done, not too fun....but I was sitting here thinking swimming starts soon. I was curious to know if anyone knew some good stuff out their for it.

    seriously, be more specific bro.

  3. #3
    Big, I think he means competitive swimming. Off the top of my head, I would say Anavar because your muscles will be able to perform better, without adding weight to your body.

  4. #4
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    possibly winny...i don't know, go ask michael phelps

  5. #5
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    Anavar cuts down on your cardio too much. Tbol works great though 30mg per day should be enough. If your going to use test, dont use more than 2-3x the normal high range of a 21 year old male. Too much muscle in swimming is a bad thing. The cheapest option though would just to use clomid or nolva for 6-8 weeks or so. Truth of the matter is that technique will be 10000x more effective than all the drugs in the world.
    Last edited by noneyours; 10-14-2008 at 09:05 PM.

  6. #6
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    ^^ you should have said that last part first...

    if you are swimming competitively won't they drug test you? i would stay away from everything and just go at it naturally. especially just coming off surgery, you would be better off reaching your previous ability naturally, rather than speeding up the process by adding steroids. like they said, good swimmers aren't huge, they have amazing technique

  7. #7
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    B, you dont need any winny, dbol or any other AAS. Muscles are heavy and it doesn't help you to stay afloat. I never understood that when my drill sergeant ( who had single digits bf% and ate 10 tunafish cans a day) swam like an iron axe. What you need imo is something like EPO that puts more oxygen into the muscle tissue and effects your endurance. Other than that skinier arms, good rotator cuffs(sp), big lungs and strong legs - that's all you need. There are workout programs for swimmers since Joe Weider times . They specifically train the muscles u do need when u swim. I did swim since I was 4 and if my childhood friend got his second gold medal this year in olimpics ( in pentathlon). You don't need AAS. (maybe for post-op. recovery, but not for building swimming muscles). Feel better my man !

  8. #8
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Last edited by WARMachine; 10-16-2008 at 06:57 PM. Reason: spammer was deleted.

  9. #9
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    While most swimmers have smaller muscles, and technique reigns king in swimming, the top swimmers are also very strong. Every top sprinter I know can max out the rack on lateral pull downs like it was nothing (300 or so lbs). I know of a very successful sprinter can do 350ish lbs on the leg extension (the machine that just works thighs)32 times with one leg. This strength cannot however be at the cost of having an aerodynamic body in the water.
    As far as recovering form surgery a mild dosage of aas and hgh would be beneficial especially if you lost some of that swimming specific muscle. If nothing else just the hgh will help you get back faster.
    Get really flexible shoulders, do TONS of core strength work, and work on your ankle flexibility (phelps and company can bend their foot 15-20 or so degrees past being strait in relation to their shin).
    The only real cross training you can do for swimming endurance and stamina is sex... and nothing gets you in better shape for sex than swimming.

  10. #10
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    Stay away from EPO because its not good for swimming...I will see if I can find the research I read. It's best used for cyclist and they mainly use it to help them in the mountainest areas....If you remember the Olympic year when Chinese swimmers were raking in the swimming metals, they used T-bol. I have used t-bol with really great results in my profession. Its helped my strength, endurance and no sides to complain about, even using 60mg/d.

    But I also agree with dry land exercises and anything with flexablilty/agility moves will go along ways.

  11. #11
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    If you are talking about the chinese women in the 90's they were mainly using test base and hgh. Thats why they had the bloated look for their muscles. If they were using tbol they would have looked alot more cut. The east germans in the 70's used tbol.

    I'm 99.9% sure that what you said about epo being bad for swimming is wrong.

  12. #12
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    This should help out some of my remarks....I have competed at very high levels in tri's and bi's and know of some that have used EPO and they said that their times for the swimming didn't drop as one would think, even in practice, but their endurance thru out the race help in dropping their overall times.

  13. #13
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    "t is likely that no benefits will be derived from EPO use because of the short-duration and/or restricted muscular demands of pool-swimming events. Oxygen availability in normal blood is not a factor that limits swimming performance"
    ..... hmmm
    it also says that hgh wouldnt be helpfull since swimmers overtrain and the improved recovery wont help.
    In the balco program even the 100m dash runners were on EPO.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Stay away from EPO because its not good for swimming...I will see if I can find the research I read. It's best used for cyclist and they mainly use it to help them in the mountainest areas....If you remember the Olympic year when Chinese swimmers were raking in the swimming metals, they used T-bol.

    #1. Could u please find that research for me my man ? I would love to see where it says that EPO doesn't benefit endurance sports such as swimming
    #2. Here is the link where it say "BLACK on WHITE" that Chinese swimmers used anabolic hormones, hgh and.............EPO.(its under number six)
    #3. Im sorry, but how can u say to a man that since it helped u in your proffession , it will help him in swimming? U cannot give that suggestion buddy unless you are a swimmer imo. Even though "TENNIS" is an endurace sport as well, but at the same time it cannot be more different from one another even for the fact that Tennis players use different muscle fibers than swimmers.
    #4. Chinese swimmers used dehydrotestosterone which is DHT and TBOL is CHLORDEHYDROTESTOSTERONE.

    P.S. Please forgive me if it seems that I came off too harsh or whatever.It wasn't my intention by any means. English is my second language.
    Last edited by PrideFEDOR; 10-16-2008 at 07:14 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrideFEDOR View Post

    #1. Could u please find that research for me my man ? I would love to see where it says that EPO doesn't benefit endurance sports such as swimming
    #2. Here is the link where it say "BLACK on WHITE" that Chinese swimmers used anabolic hormones, hgh and.............EPO.(its under number six)
    #3. Im sorry, but how can u say to a man that since it helped u in your proffession , it will help him in swimming? U cannot give that suggestion buddy unless you are a swimmer imo. Even though "TENNIS" is an endurace sport as well, but at the same time it cannot be more different from one another even for the fact that Tennis players use different muscle fibers than swimmers.
    #4. Chinese swimmers used dehydrotestosterone which is DHT and TBOL is CHLORDEHYDROTESTOSTERONE.

    P.S. Please forgive me if it seems that I came off too harsh or whatever.It wasn't my intention by any means. English is my second language.
    I take nothing you said personnally.....If you would read post #12, you will see that I do have lots of knowledge with swimming. Yes it does say that the chinese swimmers tested positive for EPO, but it never says that it helped with their progress. That's my point, only. Also, in post #12 there is a link that does back up some of what I say. As far as the particular muscle fibers used versus tennis players, you would have to compare the distance the swimmers are doing, and for tennis players, you would have to see the game they play. I will admit that, there is lots of sprinting, but that doesn't mean that player is stacked with fast twitched muscles. It would show in their foot work around the court.

    Take care and hope to talk again.

  16. #16
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    Bro , Im sorry but that's the most rediculous stuff I have ever read. It says that oxygen in the muscle doesn't matter in swimming. It also says that EPO doesn't benefit because of its short duration in the body ( which is not true - effect lasts for months and ur hemocrit levels stay up). It also says EPO doesn't benefit because swimming has short distances. Well I guess there's no 400meters, 800meters or even 1500meters ( 1.5 kilomenters distance to swim considered to be short ? come on now). Bottom line , this kind of paper isn't the study. Its sort of an educational, anti steroid, anti HGH,EPO report (no , its an article) that claims if u take AAS u basically guaranteed to be an impotent and nothing -not EPO, HGH or AAS are beneficial to take, because of their dangerous/great medical risks. The paper is a joke - a page from a book. The dude(author) is so dumb. He writes stuff like swimming events are quite short in duration and neither energy nor oxygen depleting. He was probably talking about swimming in the jacuzzi or swimming in a little pool while laying on the air mattress with an umbrella cocktail . Because that's the only swimming I know of which doesn't require any oxygen or energy. FUNNY THING, As soon as he finishes saying that he says that "Swimming is a sport that embraces chronic overtraining and even further training could heighten the occurrence of over-use injuries (e.g., swimmer's shoulder)". HOW COME IT EMBRACES CONSTANT OVERTRAINING AND NEITHER OXYGEN NOR ENERGY DEPLETING ? Make up your friggin mind already. I understand a good written book brings you money, but I do believe that if u take upon yourself to write scientific articles , please either provide the solid evidence of the study " like substance A(EPO) was administered to 20 young adult, when another group recieved placebo". U can't contradict yourself in every second paragraph. There are a bunch of bad writers that do it because they have to put bread on their tables, so they choose to "write" book that will sound more popular and that might even secure a good "college professor position" . U CAN'T WRITE JUST TO WRITE ! IF U do , dont publish your BS
    Buddy when u say u have a study to post and post a page from anti-doping book. Plus u didn't show us anything on "Tbol" issue hehehe jk
    Last edited by PrideFEDOR; 10-18-2008 at 05:50 AM.

  17. #17

    Swimmer Cycle

    Hi Guys,

    Has anyone come up with a decision about this yet?

    Im a swimmer and whilst I did a bulking course earlier int he year and gained a lot (8KG), it made me like a lead weight in the water.

    I went from being able to swim 132 lengths non-stop without a problem to only managing about 10 lengths before I had to stop because I was out of breath and felt like a Tank dragging myself through the water. My movement was restricted and the effort was much greater.

    As soon as I finished, within a weeks Ive been able to go back to long distance swimming again without an issue.

    I have an outdoor swim event in september but trying to find out a recommended cycle for swimmers. Reading this and thinking about it, clearly if youre going to take anything it needs to increase oxygen supply to the muscles and whilst not have a huge emphasis on getting huge, what youd need is to make sure any muscle gains would be ultra lean and possibly something to increase fat burn.

    Does anyone have any advice about this?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gympigi View Post
    Hi Guys,

    Has anyone come up with a decision about this yet?

    Im a swimmer and whilst I did a bulking course earlier int he year and gained a lot (8KG), it made me like a lead weight in the water.

    I went from being able to swim 132 lengths non-stop without a problem to only managing about 10 lengths before I had to stop because I was out of breath and felt like a Tank dragging myself through the water. My movement was restricted and the effort was much greater.

    As soon as I finished, within a weeks Ive been able to go back to long distance swimming again without an issue.

    I have an outdoor swim event in september but trying to find out a recommended cycle for swimmers. Reading this and thinking about it, clearly if youre going to take anything it needs to increase oxygen supply to the muscles and whilst not have a huge emphasis on getting huge, what youd need is to make sure any muscle gains would be ultra lean and possibly something to increase fat burn.

    Does anyone have any advice about this?
    Considering the thread is almost 2 years old I hope so.

  19. #19
    Well, Im trying to find the answers but what I read one person conlicts with another just after some advice

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by USAFPararescue View Post
    Long time no see everyone! I just got out of surgery tuesday morning, had a tonsillectomy done, not too fun....but I was sitting here thinking swimming starts soon. I was curious to know if anyone knew some good stuff out their for it.
    your 18 dood you dont need steroids! And if you were thinking about taking steroids to help give you an edge in PJ School then think again. All the steroids in the world wont help you out in INDOC training.

  21. #21
    Im not 18 mate im 30

  22. #22
    EPO is king plain and simple. MMA,Boxing,cycling, name it.....but you better know what your doing , if you do then its safe as any other PED, if not, it WILL kill you.Add a very small dose of test and hgh to help with recovery( you dont wanna add weight) and you will be a beast in any sport that you have a level of natrual talent in.

  23. #23
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    Im confused on who's post this is then... I'll just stay out of this one

  24. #24
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    im confused as well but if im not mistaken, gympigi hijacked this thread and android did respond to the op

  25. #25
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    ok guys let's just remember that the that the kid that started this thread is only 18. Thats why it's always good idea to ask for stats before we start spreading information.

  26. #26
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gympigi View Post
    Im not 18 mate im 30
    he's responding to the person who started this thread, which is why we discourage someone joining and immediately bumping a bunch of really old threads. I realize you want an answer to your thread, but swimming is a bit obscure here, many of us are bodybuilders, so a bit of patience is required to get the answers you desire.

  27. #27
    like i keep saying, if you dont want old threads reawoken then close or archive them. maybe its because im a web designer but if i was running a forum,i would maintain it so new members dont pi$$ other members off and threads stay current. i had no intention to tick guys off.

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