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  1. #1
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    i want 2 switch over from prop to enanthate. how do i?

    hi guys.

    i've been on prop for about 5 weeks, 100mg eod. i can not describe how painful it is so i just got my hands on some test enanthate and want to start doing that instead.

    can i get some advice on how to switch over? a friend told me that i'd be wise to keep taking the prop for another 3 or 4 weeks or so while i'm waiting for the enanthate to kick in due to the difference in the esters. what do ya think?

    any advice will be greatly appreciated...

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by muffin man View Post
    hi guys.

    i've been on prop for about 5 weeks, 100mg eod. i can not describe how painful it is so i just got my hands on some test enanthate and want to start doing that instead.

    can i get some advice on how to switch over? a friend told me that i'd be wise to keep taking the prop for another 3 or 4 weeks or so while i'm waiting for the enanthate to kick in due to the difference in the esters. what do ya think?

    any advice will be greatly appreciated...
    Your friend is tight and by the time it kick in your cycle will be pretty much over. Suck it up and keep going with the Prop IMO

  3. #3
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    I thought you were diluting your gear and that was helping a lot. Or was that someone else?

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Draw up enan into the barrel instead of prop and shoot that.
    Seriously, as kale said, stick with it, or cut the cycle short and run PCT.

  5. #5
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    I thought you were diluting your gear and that was helping a lot. Or was that someone else?
    yeah that was me. i got some test prop with ethyl oleate in it and i mixed the two together and it's not quite as bad but still bad.

    i shot with just the ethyl oleate stuff the other day and i can tell it's a lot less pain.

  6. #6
    Nitro29's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muffin man View Post
    yeah that was me. i got some test prop with ethyl oleate in it and i mixed the two together and it's not quite as bad but still bad.

    i shot with just the ethyl oleate stuff the other day and i can tell it's a lot less pain.

    Fight through that shit then man. I know. Easy for me to say.

    Let that be your motivation to find a better source with some tolerable prop. It shouldnt be that bad. Good luck bro...nitro

  7. #7
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    Draw up enan into the barrel instead of prop and shoot that.
    Seriously, as kale said, stick with it, or cut the cycle short and run PCT.
    so you guys are saying that it wouldn't be wise to go into another 8 weeks of a cycle of test e?

    i can finish out the cycle of prop if i have to but i just wanted to get on something that i could shoot a lot less often so i could get back to some aspects of my training that i've had to put on hold due to pain.

    so bad idea? is there some sort of limit to the amount of time you should stay on test? i know a guy who said he's on prop almost all the time...


  8. #8
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    In theory you should be able to switch to test e without any problems, just a different injection schedule.

  9. #9
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    i wouldn't advise switching but your going to do what you want in the end

    for example, i just extended my cycle of deca /test e and added tren e and mast e
    i added same esters

  10. #10
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    if your gonna do the test e youl have to run that for 10 weeks and wont kick in for about 3-4 so keep doin the test prop until then... but that means your cycle will turn to 16 weeks so youd prob want some hcg for a cycle that long .. i would neway... how long was your cycle originally?

    if you can get ur hands on prop eo based just get more of than instead of buyin test e and finish the cycle all prop

  11. #11
    smokeyd's Avatar
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    if your injecting 1cc everyday pin half a cc in a muscle head then swap and do another half cc somewhere else. like half right delt half left delt, half right lat half left lat, that keeps the pain down a lot, or you can buy some steril oil and draw half cc prop half cc oil inject and do it like that

  12. #12
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    if your gonna do the test e youl have to run that for 10 weeks and wont kick in for about 3-4 so keep doin the test prop until then... but that means your cycle will turn to 16 weeks so youd prob want some hcg for a cycle that long .. i would neway... how long was your cycle originally?

    if you can get ur hands on prop eo based just get more of than instead of buyin test e and finish the cycle all prop
    thanks man that's what i was looking for. not a bad idea too. i'm gonna see if i can get some more eo based prop and just try to finish out.

    i have some hcg and clomid coming too in case i do end up going with the long cycle by switching to test e but i'm gonna try and get more prop.

    thanks all you guys for the advice. this boards a life saver.

  13. #13
    SmittyTheOX's Avatar
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    Muffin Man, the trick to prop is just working out what sites are the least painful and easiest to 'manage' the pain. Certain sites are better then others on certain days, based on what you are training that day or the next.

    I am a big fan or prop. Ive been running 150mg/day for the last couple of months with no EO at all. It just comes down to finding what works best for you.

  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    start the test e now and carry on running the prop for another 4 weeks............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  15. #15
    muffin man is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmittyTheOX View Post
    Muffin Man, the trick to prop is just working out what sites are the least painful and easiest to 'manage' the pain. Certain sites are better then others on certain days, based on what you are training that day or the next.

    I am a big fan or prop. Ive been running 150mg/day for the last couple of months with no EO at all. It just comes down to finding what works best for you.
    i hear ya man and i've gotten a little pattern down that is seemingly working. still painful as hell but less than before. i rotate between glute, glute, quad, quad and have my prop mixed with eo prop so the pain is less.

    i take pain killers and use heat pads to get me through my workouts (sometimes that helps, other times i can barely bend my leg) but it's the little things like trying to sleep at night and having my ass throbbing or trying to drive with a sore ass.

    also my job is extremely physical so i've had to cut back on the amount of clients i can take on so i'm losing money. i should just go crazy with the pain killers but i've been down that road before and got hooked pretty bad when i ruptured a disk in my neck a year ago and it took me a lot to get off em so i really use them sparingly, just enough to get me by.

    ahh listen to me whining.. i'll finish out the remaining 3 weeks of this cycle and live and learn from it.

    thanks to all for the replies though.

  16. #16
    NEOSUP's Avatar
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    anywere you suggest to get eo ( not eo prop ) just eo . i also have read mixed reviews on using the b12 to dilute the pinnings, any thoughts on this ??? thanks in advance

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