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  1. #1
    superman69 is offline New Member
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    help with girlfriend cycle?

    Question guys my grilfriend would like a little help and I just want to know if I am pointing her in the right direction. We have talked about her doing some clen . pill form about 60 mg a day in three installments and also 10 mg of avar a day . Do you see anything wrong with this? I have never used clen so do you do 2 weeks on 1 week off or just straight through for say 6 weeks? Also will any of this mess with her birth control? Thanks guys for any help

  2. #2
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by superman69;4231***
    Question guys my grilfriend would like a little help and I just want to know if I am pointing her in the right direction. We have talked about her doing some clen. pill form about 60 mg a day in three installments and also 10 mg of avar a day . Do you see anything wrong with this? I have never used clen so do you do 2 weeks on 1 week off or just straight through for say 6 weeks? Also will any of this mess with her birth control? Thanks guys for any help
    do you mean 60mcg tabs?i would start her off at 20mcg a day in the morning,and start her off at 5mg of var a day.see how she takes to them,and if need be up it.clen do 2wks on 1wk off,works well.and sorry bro cant help with the birth control....thats why ive got like 30 kids running around everywhere

  3. #3
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
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    I am a nub so wait for another member to reply I just want to see how close I am to the correct answer.

    First you did not say what her goals are. I am guessing she wants to lose fat by the chemicals you have suggested. If that is true the the first thing she needs to get in check is her diet. Second she needs to have her workout regimen in line. Without those two nothing else would matter and she would be waisting her time.

    Asuming those are all good the you can move on.
    Clen is often is often run two weeks on two weeks off. The dosing should start low and ramp up every 3 days till you have reached two weeks. Start at 20mg. Day 4 you move to 40mg ect.

    Anvar and birth control. hmmm. I have never seen this answer so I am realy guessing. Although it is a mild roid I will say it could impact her cycle. Women can get thrown off by almost anything so I would expect hormones to really f things up. If her cycle is wacked then that would obviously change her birth control a bit.

    Hope my answer is close to being correct lol.

  4. #4
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
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    Damn you type fast. I am trying to type on my blackberry. The clen I am on us not helping to hit the small keys lol.

  5. #5
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doub1e_J View Post
    Damn you type fast. I am trying to type on my blackberry. The clen I am on us not helping to hit the small keys lol.

  6. #6
    superman69 is offline New Member
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    The tabs are 20mgs I just thought that that does 3 times a day would be a good starting point? But if I ned to start her on less and ramp up that would not be a promblem. does anyone have a answer on the birth control or had I better get some raincoats?

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    20mgs would be a redicouls dose, clen is in mcg not mg.

  8. #8
    superman69 is offline New Member
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    sorry I typed it wrong the tabs are 20mcg thanks for pointing that out

  9. #9
    Freakish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by superman69 View Post
    sorry I typed it wrong the tabs are 20mcg thanks for pointing that out
    lol yeah thats more like it and 20mcg will be fine

  10. #10
    superman69 is offline New Member
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    Do i neesd to have her ramp them up like the other guy mentioned or should i just stay with the 20 mcg for the whole 2 weeks?

  11. #11
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by superman69 View Post
    Do i neesd to have her ramp them up like the other guy mentioned or should i just stay with the 20 mcg for the whole 2 weeks?
    i give alot of my girls clen and they have great results at 20mcg,see how she feels with that dosage if she wants to then up the dose

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