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Thread: FINA, side effects

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    North NJ,

    FINA, side effects

    My cycle is about to start and in it I am taking 10 weeks of Test Enanthate and EQ and 6 weeks of FINA and 6 weeks of Winstrol.
    My qusetions is on possible side effects from the Fina. I will be taking Fina weeks 8-13 in my cycle. Do you think that I will get FINA DICK or Fina Gyno. I am using Arimidex and have Bro and Novla on hand just in case. I am hoping that the Test Enanthate will help offset the Fina Dick and then when I am all done the clomids will help me out. Should I also use H.C.G and If so, when in my cycle should I throw it in. This is my first time using Fina and I have heard great things about it but I want to cover all the bases with regards to side effects. Thanks alot guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, imo u should run the fina for 8 weeks. Run it weeks 7 - 15 then 3 days later u can start post cycle. Reason being it could take anywhere from week 3 - 5 before u start feeling the full effects of the fina. Fina is only in ur system between 4 - 12 hrs. U need to saturate ur body with it till u reach even levels. The sides i got from fina.... Acne, aggression, increase in heart rate, and a tight prostate. I recommend taking saw palmetto with it to reduce prostate swelling. Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    North NJ,
    Thanks OG, I appreciate the help, I will def go out and get saw palmetto. I was planning on doing 75 mgs daily for 6 weeks, if i go to eight weeks should i do 50 mgs or should i keep at 75 mgs daily and get more Fina ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Ur welcome! Ya bro i wouldnt do less then 75mgs ed for 8 weeks. Get more if u can.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It is generally accepted that fina has approximately a 3 day half life, though it could very well be a little less. It is certainly much longer than 12 hours. In fact, 150 EOD and 75 ED doses produce results so similar that there is little difference between the two. Theoretically, 75 ED produces more even concentrations than 150 EOD, but then again, 37.5 every 12 hours would be even better. Then again, 18.75 every 6 hours would be even better. Fuck, 3.15mg every hour would be even better. No wait, 0.00087mg every second would provide the most consistent blood levels. FUCK! Where do we stop splitting hairs? When it comes down to it, 75 ED is not significantly different from 150 EOD.

    Also, frontloading 150mg ED for four days will reach a steady state concentration after the fourth day, whereas not frontloading takes 14 days. Again, results will differ individual to individual, but assuming a 3 days halflife, that is the way the math works out. Shorter cycles really need frontloading to get decent results. Afterall, that gets the fina working 10 days sooner. On a really long cycle, the 10 days might not make a noticable difference.

    Will you get fina dick? Not if you take testosterone, and start the test 2 weeks before the fina starts, or if you frontload the test, but don't frontload the fina. To be on the safe side, the idea is that you want the test to be active before the fina. But hey, some people do fina only cycles at normal dosages and never experience fina dick. You may notice fina farts, and some unexplained irratibility, depression, moodiness, etc. However, those side effects may not be constant. In fact, for some people, those feelings disappear once you adjust to the fina. Despite what the less informed believe, fina is an excellent choice - regardless of the urban legends that some juicers propagate.

    -Sigmund Froid
    Last edited by Sigmund Froid; 11-07-2002 at 12:30 PM.

  6. #6
    when i took fina, i was tired constantly, and i also had 'fina dick' make sure you take plenty of cranberr juice and a ton of water, fina is harsh on the urinary tract

  7. #7
    altho i wasn't tired i can relate on the water and cranberry... i took the extract on it and if my water dropped you could notice a difference in the urine color... got all foamy and darker... not like brown (which is really bad) but just darker yellow.

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