My cycle is about to start and in it I am taking 10 weeks of Test Enanthate and EQ and 6 weeks of FINA and 6 weeks of Winstrol.
My qusetions is on possible side effects from the Fina. I will be taking Fina weeks 8-13 in my cycle. Do you think that I will get FINA DICK or Fina Gyno. I am using Arimidex and have Bro and Novla on hand just in case. I am hoping that the Test Enanthate will help offset the Fina Dick and then when I am all done the clomids will help me out. Should I also use H.C.G and If so, when in my cycle should I throw it in. This is my first time using Fina and I have heard great things about it but I want to cover all the bases with regards to side effects. Thanks alot guys.