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Thread: cycle review

  1. #1
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    cycle review


    I posted my next cycle here a short time ago, and the main bulk of it was;
    Weeks 1-6 25mg dia
    Weeks 1-15 500mg EQ e/w
    Weeks 1-16 750mg Test E e/w

    I could only get hold of deca instead of eq which isnt a problem to me but the deca has come in 1ml vials containing 100mg deca. In the past ive used the UGL A**X which is 1ml contains 200mg deca. (I have since heard that A**X isnt that good)!

    My concerns are if im gonna inject the amount of 5oomg deca per week along with 750mg of test then each injection is gonna consist of about 4ml of solution. Im guessing only the glutes can take that much in one hit (if at all)!

    Could I inject more than twice a week, lets say mon, wed and fri in order to spread the load. If not any suggestions are welcome. I have also considered shooting 750mg test and only 300mg of deca per week which will give me 2 x 3ml shots. (Mon; 500mg test and 100mg deca. Thu; 250mg test and 200mg deca), Just not sure if nthere is enough deca going in compared to the test.



  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP View Post

    I posted my next cycle here a short time ago, and the main bulk of it was;
    Weeks 1-6 25mg dia
    Weeks 1-15 500mg EQ e/w
    Weeks 1-16 750mg Test E e/w

    I could only get hold of deca instead of eq which isnt a problem to me but the deca has come in 1ml vials containing 100mg deca. In the past ive used the UGL A**X which is 1ml contains 200mg deca. (I have since heard that A**X isnt that good)!

    My concerns are if im gonna inject the amount of 5oomg deca per week along with 750mg of test then each injection is gonna consist of about 4ml of solution. Im guessing only the glutes can take that much in one hit (if at all)!

    Could I inject more than twice a week, lets say mon, wed and fri in order to spread the load. If not any suggestions are welcome. I have also considered shooting 750mg test and only 300mg of deca per week which will give me 2 x 3ml shots. (Mon; 500mg test and 100mg deca. Thu; 250mg test and 200mg deca), Just not sure if nthere is enough deca going in compared to the test.



    yeah of course mate spreed that load out personaly i've never gone more than 3ml inject's but everyone to ther own. Just split them bad boys up
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  3. #3
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Thanks man. I want to keep the dosage at 750mg and 500 deca so injecting 3 x per week solves my issues. Thanks again

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP View Post

    I posted my next cycle here a short time ago, and the main bulk of it was;
    Weeks 1-6 25mg dia
    Weeks 1-15 500mg EQ e/w
    Weeks 1-16 750mg Test E e/w

    I could only get hold of deca instead of eq which isnt a problem to me but the deca has come in 1ml vials containing 100mg deca. In the past ive used the UGL A**X which is 1ml contains 200mg deca. (I have since heard that A**X isnt that good)!

    My concerns are if im gonna inject the amount of 5oomg deca per week along with 750mg of test then each injection is gonna consist of about 4ml of solution. Im guessing only the glutes can take that much in one hit (if at all)!

    Could I inject more than twice a week, lets say mon, wed and fri in order to spread the load. If not any suggestions are welcome. I have also considered shooting 750mg test and only 300mg of deca per week which will give me 2 x 3ml shots. (Mon; 500mg test and 100mg deca. Thu; 250mg test and 200mg deca), Just not sure if nthere is enough deca going in compared to the test.


    i had to use 50mg/ml organon deca years ago and that really sucked but yes you can and in this case should split it up throughout the week
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  5. #5
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Thanks guys

  6. #6
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thats 8ml of gear, imo i'd split that into 4 shots, alternating glutes and thighs.

  7. #7
    god-send's Avatar
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    in the aas forum

    thats why i go with 300mg/ml deca .

    wouldent go any less than 200mg/ml-i hate big shots

  8. #8
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
    ROBOCOP is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by god-send View Post

    thats why i go with 300mg/ml deca .

    wouldent go any less than 200mg/ml-i hate big shots

    Wouldnt mind knowing where you get that ratio of deca p/ml from. Ive only seen the A**X UGL at 200mg/1ml

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