I've read that steroids stunts your growth in height while you are still growing and I was wondering if there is anything that can counteract this effect?
I've read that steroids stunts your growth in height while you are still growing and I was wondering if there is anything that can counteract this effect?
If you are still growing you shouldnt be using anyhow. Sorry i couldnt be of more help. I would consider GH if i was still growing, get me up to a nice 6'10 or so....
I like being short, especially in the sport i am in.......it just souds better to say you are 5'7 and 205lbs.....than it does to say you are 6'5 205lbs.......
^^^ Lol...
I prefer vertically challenged.....thank you very much
^^^ Or till your growth plates have closed... And you have medical records stating so...
How old are you??
Im 19. But my dad didn't stop growing until he was 21 and I still might grow some more.
then u wait.
Letro could suppress the estorgen which is what I understand to cause the fusions of growth plates. However I wouldn’t guarantee it.
You are getting warmer
Well since I'm not in the best of moods I'll give you to scientific answer.
Androgens and estrogens both play a supportive role in bone calcium retention. They are "osteogenic". It is the estrogenic activity that closes the ephiphyseal (EP) closure and stunted growth. Non-aromatizing steroids such as anavar, winstrol, and primbolan increase calcium retention so theoretically they could increase final height.
But no one in their right mind would EVER recommend this to a teenager.
Are teens more prone to stuff like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96PQQ...eature=related (body acne)
I know since we are still going through adolescence that stuff like sebum and testosterone are still on the rise therefore we could get permanent scars from acne (sebum) since we already have so much of it and it will just be increased and also our testosterone levels could be hindered permanently.
Are teens more prone to that ^^?
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