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Yes, but what about a cycle without lifting weights and I'm not in condition at the moment to consider a cycle. My I'm only 182 pounds but my BF is too high at 15 - 20 % but If I do another wedge fracture in my back, I won't be able to work & I will be screwed. I already have three fractures without trauma just sneeze fits and coughing. every time I cough, I have to put my back against the wall and brace my chest with both my arms & I shit myself! I was thinking a cruising style of cycle because thats what the treatment is in the Mims prescription guide for Aussie Doctors. Nandro at 100gs fortnightly it says. same for test enanth for over 6 months. I find this strange. perhaps I should do 100mg each (nandro decanoate) (test enth) per week for 3 months with weight bearing cardio then do a P.C.T and do another 3 months with another P.C.T. then do another bone scan. I just don't know anymore.