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Thread: too much cardio? help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    too much cardio? help

    ok i just finished my 3 weeks of clomid therapy a few days ago following a deca 400mg 10 week cycle. i gained aprox 20 pounds and now i want to get lean. today was my first day of cardio and i did about 50 minutes walking incline/jogging w/ some fat burners. also i started my all protein no carb diet today. someone let me know if this is too much for my body right now and if im going to lose muscle, i want to maintain all my gains while losing 2-3% fat. please let me know any advice or opinions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    If I were you I would reduce the cardio down to around 20 min 3x per week. After a cycle there will be excess cortisol levels in your body. Too much cardio and you will lose muscle. Let your body rid itself of the cortisol and then hit the cardio a little harder.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    what about the all protein diet, at around 350-400g's protein a day. is this not a good idea right after clomid therapy?

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