when your balls start to shrink are they sore? today my balls started hurting like i got kicked in them and i was wondering if it was my natural test being shutdown? maybe a dumb question but i just wasnt sure so i thought id ask
when your balls start to shrink are they sore? today my balls started hurting like i got kicked in them and i was wondering if it was my natural test being shutdown? maybe a dumb question but i just wasnt sure so i thought id ask
I have never had this but my training partner has complained about sore balls in the beginning of our last cycle, only lasted like two days than went away.
i have done alot of steroids over the years and my balls sure the hell has never hurt nor have they ever shrunk enough for me to notice. i dont play with them or check them on a daily basis but i have never noticed a decrease in size
-Shrinking is a normal thing (although it's not shrinking quickly and not very visible).
-Pain !!!
One of 2 may be the reason
1-you had sex that night (or you were whatching an educational movie LOL !)
2-you did nothing and something strange happened
in both cases wait for a few days ...and see if there is a decreasment in the pain IF NOT ..see a doctor ,or cut the cycle and inject HCG for 3 weeks
p.s :maybe i am wrong atall ... the balls pain is not a common thing i heard of
that is sometime due to very minor groin pull. It hurts for couple of days. Nothing serious.
Nobody has ever experienced it.
i have experianced this several times directly after pissing, do a search on it, and pt what the hell how do your nuts not shrink, they have to shrink if there not working from having test injected, just the way things work unless you run hcg the whole cylcle
wait a couple of days. if the pain persists or gets worse, i would definitely go see a dr. dont EVER want to mess around with reproductive organs bro.
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