What was the average your blood pressure changed on a cycle using Test and Tren?
What was the average your blood pressure changed on a cycle using Test and Tren?
i forgot the exact number but the doc said it was just a tad bit high and nothing to worry about. I did get daily nosebleeds though
my last bp was 144/86.......
im on test/tren/mast
so no one measures their bp on cycle....thats bad...
Off cycle 110/60 on cycle prop/tbol 130/70.
For me +20/+10 increase in BP.
Ive had it measured at various times,highest always when running anadrol....was told a few times by doctor it was high but usually they would have me chill out on a chair for 20min and retake and it would be close to normal
my blood pressure actually drops when im on cycle, not sure why though
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