is it really nescesarry to inject ED? the half life is 2 days, so i guess its the same if i inject eod or etd? (every third day?)
i will be using this along with testosteron enthate
is it really nescesarry to inject ED? the half life is 2 days, so i guess its the same if i inject eod or etd? (every third day?)
i will be using this along with testosteron enthate
best to do it ed...
but why?
its kind of expensive, so if i should inject every day for 8weeks i'd really feel that in my wallet=P
how is it more expensive???
if you injected eod you would use twice the amount...
if you want 25mg/day
ed inject 25mg
eod inject 50mg
etd inject 75mg
if you want 100mg/day
ed injects would be 100mg
eod injects would be 200mg
etd would be 300mg
price does not change except you pay for more pins....but i get mine for free
i was thinking more of 100mg eod or 100mg etd
is that bad?
im taking test beside of this aswell
then i would take 50mg ed....ed injections is the best way for fast acting aas....
no that is not bad
i currently take
test prop 50ed
mast 50ed
tren a 25ed
i think i will be taking 100mg etd. im not as sick as you man3 injections pr week is more than enough!!!
no....take 33mg/day.....
33 measly mg wont hurt a bit.....
trust me....because of the mg amount....every third day you take those injections you will be MORE sore than if you only do 33mg/day
ask anyone
Last edited by Voice of Reason; 10-08-2008 at 02:59 AM.
do what you are more likely to have tren cough with bigger mg injections....
what about eod?? 50mg eod??
when is all boils down to it....its your choice....pinning everyday is not what is painfull...
the thing that causes the most pain is the amount of mg of more mg=more pain....
get a 25gauge 1 inch needle and pin 33mg/day.....dont knock it befor you try it....
but....what ever you are comfortable with....then do that....try can always change
okay thanks-
what would you do if you could choose inbetween test enthate and sust250 besides the tren a?
I'd go with the sust/tren combo my self :-)
Dude if your going to use tren a then do it right and inject it every day.
If you are that scared of needles stick to test e twice a week.
Btw I am taking
test prop 100mg ed
mast 100mg ed
tren a 50mg ed
Nothing to it.
Last edited by Nitro29; 10-08-2008 at 01:01 PM.
Tren ace every third day is retarded, eod is the minimum requried but ed is best for acetate. If you want to shoot every third day get tren enanthate.
This is the the same guy who got infected from dirty gear and kept injecting it after getting anti-biotics.
you can get away with eod but to lessen the sides its best to use ed,
Like everyone says, its best to pin ED.
If you are scared of needles switch to Tren E.
Short esters + Pin ED = Best way to Juice!
btw, Sus sucks... Prop/Tren combo is the best IMO!
When using tren a IMO it should be done ED and the same time ED to keep hormone levels as stable as possible. Trens a bitch for sides and for me it's noticibly less when shot ED
eod then? 50mg eod??
What do you think about, tren, anvar, and and clen to cut up
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