Running a first cycle in 8 weeks while following my second round of slingshot training System. Some say 300-400 mgs of test would be best while others have said 50 mgs of winnie eod.
Input would be nice..
Running a first cycle in 8 weeks while following my second round of slingshot training System. Some say 300-400 mgs of test would be best while others have said 50 mgs of winnie eod.
Input would be nice..
Winnie eod is usless, water based steroids need to be injected ed. Test E or C is best and could be injected just twice per week which for a first time user is more pleasant. Also Test will yield much greater results.
50mg winny eod for a first cycle? if I were you I would make a list of who all told you that, and ignore them from now on.
test over winny anyday.
winny only is poor
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