Well I almost feel bad for posting on here again proposing a cycle. but Ive lucked out the last couple of days and I think can get my hands on some better priced gear. First my stats, 5'11...177-179..%13 bf.
Goals: I would like to get down to 7-8%bf and gained a solid 15lbs.
Test prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-2
Test Eth 400mg M,TH weeks 1-10
EQ about 333mg M,TH weeks 1-12
winny 50mg EOD weeks 11-15
clomid day after winny 300, 200, 100 for 5 days, 50mg for 20 days
clen starting week 16...2 weeks on 2 off
Im also planing on running a clen only cycle for 6 weeks before I start this cycle to loose some bf. 2 weeks on 2 off
I also want to keep the water bloat down...besides dex what would you suggest? Would nolvadex work? And how much nolv would I need for this cycle? thanks
bb79 please post...