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Thread: Questions on Winstrol and effects on muscles.

  1. #1

    Questions on Winstrol and effects on muscles.

    I recieved a back injury while working about 2/3 years ago. I am now looking at coming back to football again and re strained the muscles. It is the lower right portion of my back. I've read that once these muscles are strained or damaged they sometimes may not recover and can cause problems forever. I hate to have them be the reason I am unable to be on the field again so I've been lookin at options for repairing those muscles. Basically I'm wondering if runnin a cycle of winstrol would help with this problem. I'm thinking of winstrol because I don't need to worry about gaining alot of mass. If theres any way it will help these muscles repair back to a point that I won't have to worry about straining them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Nov 2007
    Winstrol is a bad choice for this as it is known to be hard on joints. I dont believe there is any healing beniefits to running winny.

  3. #3


    Any ideas on what direction to go or is there anything I can take to help the healing?

  4. #4
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    Nov 2007
    Surgery may be your best option. I dont think steroids are really the answer for this. Have you consulted a doctor?

  5. #5


    Right after I injured I went to some cheap med care place. They did ultra sound and stem but didn't really go through any in depth process. Its the lower right back strap right at the top of my butt. Since its not a vertebre or a disk I don't know if they can do anything for surgery. Just strained muscles. But damn....this happened about 3 years ago and still it gets irritated easily. It was doing good while I've been training, but I went and played in some flag football game and that did it. I just thought maybe winny would help repair those muscles faster.

  6. #6
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    La Cocina
    I'd look into epidural steroids vs. anabolic steroids

  7. #7


    Sorry for being nieve....I've been trainging all my life just don't have much experience with roids. Whats the difference bewteen Epidural and Anabolic?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I can't wait for the answer to this one!!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    I can't wait for the answer to this one!!!
    You could've avoided the smartass comment and just answered the question. But then I guess everyone would've missed the sarcasm and you wouldn't look as cool. I get it.

  10. #10
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by ramfootball36 View Post
    Sorry for being nieve....I've been trainging all my life just don't have much experience with roids. Whats the difference bewteen Epidural and Anabolic?

    Epidural steroid injections are an option for the treatment of back pain and inflammation around the spinal nerves (have zero to do with strength or size)

    Anabolic steroids are synthetic drugs similar to the male hormone, testosterone. They are taken as tablets, in powder form, or by intramuscular injection, to improve muscle growth, strength, and power (the kind that are discussed on this board)

    do some research into lower back pain...epidurals, med-tronics and traction are a good place to start

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    New Mexico
    You might also want to try some physical therapy.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ramfootball36 View Post
    You could've avoided the smartass comment and just answered the question. But then I guess everyone would've missed the sarcasm and you wouldn't look as cool. I get it.
    Oh dear, that was directed at samson and d it was a joke to answer epidural and steroid in the same sentence, sorry if i offended.

  13. #13
    i would say that u must try physical therepy...see where that takes you, the back is like the chassy of the human body and there really isnt a quick fix to it..and if u do think u found one then u better be careful cuz its prolly not a good idea...i would suggest very light weight back workouts with lots of slow reps. Another good idea would be stretching intensively as many times as u careful into rushing into football and other activities b/c it can really mess things up in the long run

  14. #14
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    Hey Ram...Ive never seen Lats flame anyone...I think you mis-interpreted what he was saying.

    I can relate bro...struggled on and off with lumbar pain...herniated a blows.

    The best thing would be to do an MRI...that way they can isolate any structural abnormalities.

    This will help figure out if it's the bony lumbar spine (vertebrae), discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord/nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis or abdomen.

    PT (physical therapy) will help...also things like prednisone, edpidurals or other anti-inflammatorys...that coupled with stretching, strengthening lower back muscles and abs. I've done everything from yoga, pilates to accupunture.

    Anabolics aren't the fix, in fact you potentially risk hurting it further...possibly putting more strain on it while lifting heavy...core strength would help as well

    But definitely look into an MRI, PT, massage, heat/stem, med-tronics, traction

    This will get you back on the field! I've battled mine for 2 years (bad motorcycle accident) and am finally feeling normal, but still get the occasional twinge when lifting, esp. squats, dead lifts

    good luck bro

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    Oh dear, that was directed at samson and d it was a joke to answer epidural and steroid in the same sentence, sorry if i offended.
    Sorry for jumpin the gun there. Just in unfamiliar territory right now. lol....sorry again.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Hey Ram...Ive never seen Lats flame anyone...I think you mis-interpreted what he was saying.

    I can relate bro...struggled on and off with lumbar pain...herniated a blows.

    The best thing would be to do an MRI...that way they can isolate any structural abnormalities.

    This will help figure out if it's the bony lumbar spine (vertebrae), discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord/nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis or abdomen.

    PT (physical therapy) will help...also things like prednisone, edpidurals or other anti-inflammatorys...that coupled with stretching, strengthening lower back muscles and abs. I've done everything from yoga, pilates to accupunture.

    Anabolics aren't the fix, in fact you potentially risk hurting it further...possibly putting more strain on it while lifting heavy...core strength would help as well

    But definitely look into an MRI, PT, massage, heat/stem, med-tronics, traction

    This will get you back on the field! I've battled mine for 2 years (bad motorcycle accident) and am finally feeling normal, but still get the occasional twinge when lifting, esp. squats, dead lifts

    good luck bro
    Thanks for clarrifying. I think you're right with the MRI. I just need to know where the damage is. I've done alot of PT on it. The last time I played was 06 and I was on a strict regimen of ice/heat/massage....stem, You name it. And by the fourth game when the weather got a bit colder it was so tight I was having a hard time runnin. The one thing I didn't do as well as I probably should have was stretch. I've been stretching to the point where I wanna throw up and I sure hope it helps take care of the problem. So you back on a bike these days? A bunch of friends and their wives set up a run for me and my buddy. Our birthdays are this sunday, We're riding out to New Mexico and back. I hurt my back last week after this was all set up. And I have a rigid frame chopper......Not gonna be a good combination. lol

  17. #17
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    Rigid huh? must like pain!! I loved my soft tail (05 Fat Boy) but it was totaled after the accident...hit by a bus...friggin crazy! Also tore my labrum to go along with the back injury...the whole thing sucked!! Finally normal again...thank God!

    Didn't replace the bike...wife wanted nothing to do with it. Bought a couple jet skis instead (she'll play on those) really miss my bike though.
    New Mexico has some great riding...we used to do the Red River Run all the time. You're in my part of the country then..I'm in CO (Ramfootball isn't for CSU is it? If so, that's my alma mater)

    You have to do an MRI bro...only way to know what's going on back there. I've been to some really good Ortho's and they all want to see the film. Can't progress without it.

    If we keep jabbing...they'll probably move this post (I've noticed the mods don't like the original post to turn into you have any questions on the lower back, shoot me a PM. Good luck bro...after you get that thing healed up, you can crossover to the dark side (anabolics!)

    This site has some smart cats on it...especially when it comes to diets, cycles and PCT. And they have zero tolerance on flaming or being an dudes are usually pretty cool (I understand the unfamiliar territory thing...I'm a newb here as well) but I've definitely got some good info and the site has helped get me back to my beefy ways! (my injuries were the first I've ever had to endure...took a while to get the body back...still don't totally trust my shoulder yet.

    Happy early birthday....ride safe!
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 10-09-2008 at 09:41 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    when i did winstrol, it dried out my joints in my hands and lower back pretty harsh.

    i wouldn't suggest it at all.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    RAMFOOTBALL, you wouldn't happen to live in texas would you?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ram, any chance you are 36?
    I am 42
    Were you in decent shape before you hit the field for this one game?
    I have pull hammies before running out onto the soccer field before I gently worked myself into the peculiar muscles stresses soccer puts on the legs. I have herniated my disc and injured and reinjured my back in beach v-bal. I am glad to say there is hope. I dont want to come off wrong here at all,just optimistic. For me it started with physio and learning that the back problems were as much or more due to poor core stomach muscles ,especially the lower abdominals. So it started there for me then I began to strengthen the back. I used a cycle of steroids to make some great gains in only 3 months..especially in my abs and back. I was looking for healing not sex appeal.(but I did get a slimmer build out of it.)I did this only after finding myself frustrated in 2004 when i was in good shape and re injured the back again. It starts with seeking out advice...first from your physio then from the forum . start with those abs.

    Ps ,dont ride a rigid. I had to get my wife to drive me home and then return later and DRIVE the damn bike home...while I laid in bed...where I remained for 4 weeks...ever used a bedpan before??? Dont ride a rigid!
    Last edited by sonysucks; 10-09-2008 at 11:58 PM.

  21. #21
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    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    you should consider HGH and IGF

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    RAMFOOTBALL, you wouldn't happen to live in texas would you?
    There is a chance I live in Texas....why do you ask?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by sonysucks View Post
    Ram, any chance you are 36?
    I am 42
    Were you in decent shape before you hit the field for this one game?
    I have pull hammies before running out onto the soccer field before I gently worked myself into the peculiar muscles stresses soccer puts on the legs. I have herniated my disc and injured and reinjured my back in beach v-bal. I am glad to say there is hope. I dont want to come off wrong here at all,just optimistic. For me it started with physio and learning that the back problems were as much or more due to poor core stomach muscles ,especially the lower abdominals. So it started there for me then I began to strengthen the back. I used a cycle of steroids to make some great gains in only 3 months..especially in my abs and back. I was looking for healing not sex appeal.(but I did get a slimmer build out of it.)I did this only after finding myself frustrated in 2004 when i was in good shape and re injured the back again. It starts with seeking out advice...first from your physio then from the forum . start with those abs.

    Ps ,dont ride a rigid. I had to get my wife to drive me home and then return later and DRIVE the damn bike home...while I laid in bed...where I remained for 4 weeks...ever used a bedpan before??? Dont ride a rigid!
    Actually I'm 25....goin on 26. Though I feel like I'm goin on 46 sometimes. 5 knee surgeries and countless other injuries. I know the whole reason I hurt it this time was because I worked out hard as hell during the day, ran agilities then thought I could pull of flag football at 9 o'clock at night. Its getting harder and harder to accept the fact that I'm not 18 anymore. lol I think a cycle would be a good idea to get everything back. Once I can get this all healed up. As far as the rigid.....I love my chop. Built it 2 years ago and everyone told me I'd regret it forever if I build a rigid. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can put up to 400 miles on it in a day without killing myself. What you find with rigids is you have to ride them like a horse. You see a bump, you better be usin your legs to jockey yourself over it. But you're right, you catch a wrong bump and you liable to end up with a kidney sittin next to your stomach.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Rigid huh? must like pain!! I loved my soft tail (05 Fat Boy) but it was totaled after the accident...hit by a bus...friggin crazy! Also tore my labrum to go along with the back injury...the whole thing sucked!! Finally normal again...thank God!

    Didn't replace the bike...wife wanted nothing to do with it. Bought a couple jet skis instead (she'll play on those) really miss my bike though.
    New Mexico has some great riding...we used to do the Red River Run all the time. You're in my part of the country then..I'm in CO (Ramfootball isn't for CSU is it? If so, that's my alma mater)

    You have to do an MRI bro...only way to know what's going on back there. I've been to some really good Ortho's and they all want to see the film. Can't progress without it.

    If we keep jabbing...they'll probably move this post (I've noticed the mods don't like the original post to turn into you have any questions on the lower back, shoot me a PM. Good luck bro...after you get that thing healed up, you can crossover to the dark side (anabolics!)

    This site has some smart cats on it...especially when it comes to diets, cycles and PCT. And they have zero tolerance on flaming or being an dudes are usually pretty cool (I understand the unfamiliar territory thing...I'm a newb here as well) but I've definitely got some good info and the site has helped get me back to my beefy ways! (my injuries were the first I've ever had to endure...took a while to get the body back...still don't totally trust my shoulder yet.

    Happy early birthday....ride safe!
    CO??? Huh. Thats my stompin ground brother. Yep....Ramfootball is for good ol C-state. I don't know if you follow CSU football much but I played up there with the infamous BVP, Sapp. Back in the golden years. lol Played 2001-2005. Well thank god you came out of the wreck OK. That sounds like a hell of a wreck. I know I'm takin a chance everyday I go out but I figure if I don't die on my bike I'm just gonna die of somethin else. We were up at Ruidoso a few weeks ago for a run in New Mexico.....beautiful area up there. I had no idea New Mexico had any scenery like that. And I'll probably be consulting you on some stuff with the back. Gonna get this looked at as soon as I can. Thanks for the info and I appreciate all the help.

  25. #25
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by ramfootball36 View Post
    CO??? Huh. Thats my stompin ground brother. Yep....Ramfootball is for good ol C-state. I don't know if you follow CSU football much but I played up there with the infamous BVP, Sapp. Back in the golden years. lol Played 2001-2005. Well thank god you came out of the wreck OK. That sounds like a hell of a wreck. I know I'm takin a chance everyday I go out but I figure if I don't die on my bike I'm just gonna die of somethin else. We were up at Ruidoso a few weeks ago for a run in New Mexico.....beautiful area up there. I had no idea New Mexico had any scenery like that. And I'll probably be consulting you on some stuff with the back. Gonna get this looked at as soon as I can. Thanks for the info and I appreciate all the help.

    Small world bro...I SAID IM PROUD TO BE A CSU RAM!

    I love CSU football (even though it's been tough the last couple of years)That was a great squad from 01-05! I graduated in 1998, I lived with a couple of players, but we had some good years when I was around with McDougal, Kvamme, Porter, Haggans, Rebstock and Cesario! Those fellas were studs. We could use you back on the field now! I'm going to the homecoming game tomorrow against should get ugly!
    I played baseball for CSU (friggin Title 9 limited it to club) but I love Fort Collins and the good old Rammies!!

    I was actually hit on my bike in Denver, right by DU...we used to ride the Poudre Canyon and Big Thompson all the time...great ride. Now we just hang up at Horse Tooth on the weekends (I still live in the area...brought my wife up here and she loved the area, so we bought a house up here last year and got the hell outta Denver)

    I never knew New Mexico was that pretty either til I started doing that Red River ride...not alot of traffic down there either...but the cars that are usually out probably have a drunk behind the wheel 9 outta 10 times! I'm assuming you dont wear a helmet? I didn't, and after the accident, my head was was everything else that hurt!!

    Glad to find another Rammie on here...crazy! Let me know what I can do to help bro...I think I could definitely lead you in the right's be great to see ya live out that last year of eligibility!!

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Small world bro...I SAID IM PROUD TO BE A CSU RAM!

    I love CSU football (even though it's been tough the last couple of years)That was a great squad from 01-05! I graduated in 1998, I lived with a couple of players, but we had some good years when I was around with McDougal, Kvamme, Porter, Haggans, Rebstock and Cesario! Those fellas were studs. We could use you back on the field now! I'm going to the homecoming game tomorrow against should get ugly!
    I played baseball for CSU (friggin Title 9 limited it to club) but I love Fort Collins and the good old Rammies!!

    I was actually hit on my bike in Denver, right by DU...we used to ride the Poudre Canyon and Big Thompson all the time...great ride. Now we just hang up at Horse Tooth on the weekends (I still live in the area...brought my wife up here and she loved the area, so we bought a house up here last year and got the hell outta Denver)

    I never knew New Mexico was that pretty either til I started doing that Red River ride...not alot of traffic down there either...but the cars that are usually out probably have a drunk behind the wheel 9 outta 10 times! I'm assuming you dont wear a helmet? I didn't, and after the accident, my head was was everything else that hurt!!

    Glad to find another Rammie on here...crazy! Let me know what I can do to help bro...I think I could definitely lead you in the right's be great to see ya live out that last year of eligibility!!
    That was a great crew back in those days. They always called me McDougal, cause I was rockin #36 was about the only white guy playin tailback. lol My brother is actually down there right now and goin to the TCU game. I hope they can hold their own, they're comin around its just gonna take some time. After I had blown my knee and thought I was done playin football I started looking at baseball too. But ya, title 9 wiped it out and now its just a club sport. Such a bunch of garbage.

    I love the Poudre Canyon. Many days spent cruising up through their or floating down the river on a tube with a 30 pack in the summer. Good ol Fort Collins, I miss the hell out of that place.

    And no, I don't wear a helmet. I know its stupid but theres no feeling like hitting the road and having the wind in your hair. When I used to ride crotch rockets I always wore a helmet, but now cruisin on the chopper I've gotten away from it.

    And actually as far as using my last year of eligibility, I took a medical scholarship in 05 after my knee hadn't fully recovered. In 06 the transplant felt great and I wanted to try it again so I made a run to come back. Because I had taken a medical scholarship and not a med redshirt I couldn't file for a 6th year. I still had a great desire to play and transferred out of the NCAA for one semester to play ball. Went to a smaller school and in the fourth game shattered my tibia. Bum deal but I took a direct shot to my knee and the transplant held up but broke my damn leg. I then graduated in 06 and joined the work force. My little brother is now playing on after CSU and I really feel I can make a go at it again. So, unfortunatley the days at Hughes Field are done and over but I just to be on that gridiron again makes my blood boil. lol

  27. #27
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    Small fuc*ing world!!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramfootball36 View Post
    There is a chance I live in Texas....why do you ask?
    because there is a college near me that's mascot is the rams, jw that's all

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