Originally Posted by
Hey Ram...Ive never seen Lats flame anyone...I think you mis-interpreted what he was saying.
I can relate bro...struggled on and off with lumbar pain...herniated a disk...it blows.
The best thing would be to do an MRI...that way they can isolate any structural abnormalities.
This will help figure out if it's the bony lumbar spine (vertebrae), discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord/nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis or abdomen.
PT (physical therapy) will help...also things like prednisone, edpidurals or other anti-inflammatorys...that coupled with stretching, strengthening lower back muscles and abs. I've done everything from yoga, pilates to accupunture.
Anabolics aren't the fix, in fact you potentially risk hurting it further...possibly putting more strain on it while lifting heavy...core strength would help as well
But definitely look into an MRI, PT, massage, heat/stem, med-tronics, traction
This will get you back on the field! I've battled mine for 2 years (bad motorcycle accident) and am finally feeling normal, but still get the occasional twinge when lifting, esp. squats, dead lifts
good luck bro