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  1. #1
    stacked88 is offline New Member
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    another newbie question

    I am fixing to try my first cycle. I havent got it yet but it is some kind of test. it is a buddy of a buddy that is suppose to get it he said it is test 850 or something like that. has anyone heard of that or what did he mean. I am trying to research it. I am also getting winstrol . he said to stack it but I dont really want to. I am trying to compete. I am getting married this coming may and I told my self i will go to my first show before so i wanted to save the winstrol to cut up. He said that he has taken 2 cycles back to back and had no side affects. I want to know what u would recommend for PCT and any other help u can offer.

    I have been tring to learn all i can before I start the cycleI got some AROM X AND TRIBULUS all ready so what can I use it for.

    I am already pretty big I am at 205 at 11% bf I want to get up to at least 230 before feb or march and then cut down to contestant shape.

    thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    it sounds like your friend doesnt know how to use steroids properly. those supps you named are not sufficient for pct, you would need something along the lines of nolvadex /aromasin and perhaps hcg . nolva and aromasin you can get from ar-r .

    if you've never cycled and want to cut you could run test e at 500mgs/w with some winstrol to harden up, keeping in mind that winstrol isnt a diet pill.

    sample cycle something along these lines:

    test e 500mg/w 1-12
    winstrol 50mgs/ed 1-4 or 8-12

    pct and ancillaries on hand as well.

  3. #3
    stacked88 is offline New Member
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    so test 850 is the name

    I just found test350 on this site.

    He didnt recommend any pct. that is just what I got in the house and i was wondering what u would recommend for pct cause i want to be as safe as possible ahhaha

    and u are right he doesnt know alot about them. I told him wintrol came from a vet drug and he said it didnt. so that says alot


  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by stacked88 View Post
    so test 850 is the name

    I just found test350 on this site.

    He didnt recommend any pct. that is just what I got in the house and i was wondering what u would recommend for pct cause i want to be as safe as possible ahhaha

    and u are right he doesnt know alot about them. I told him wintrol came from a vet drug and he said it didnt. so that says alot

    test 850 is ridiculous, the highest concentration of test ive ever seen is 500mgs/ml and i wouldnt even use that.

    250ml is standard issue, i dont know what kind of weird stuff hes trying to give you.

    pct should be nolva/aromasin and perhaps hcg , look in the pct forum to learn about these compounds.

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