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  1. #1
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Using HCG while on cycle

    I read the "HCG " stiky on this site and it seems like it was made by 4 different people who jammed all their info together for a book report. I'm planning on using HCG during my cycle to prevent the testicular atrophy from occuring. This left me with some questions:

    1) Does 500iu's a week of HCG sound like its enough to help my nuts stay a normal size?

    2) Must I run HCG with nolvadex ? I'm currently using Test & Deca 500mgs/week each and I was under the impression that using nolvadex while on a progesterone would cause problems...

    I'm running arimidex @ 1mg/day w/ .5mg cabergoline every 5 days during this cycle, would 500iu's of HCG push me over into gyno-land?

    Experience thoughts and comments welcomed..


  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1 View Post
    I read the "HCG " stiky on this site and it seems like it was made by 4 different people who jammed all their info together for a book report. I'm planning on using HCG during my cycle to prevent the testicular atrophy from occuring. This left me with some questions:

    1) Does 500iu's a week of HCG sound like its enough to help my nuts stay a normal size?

    Yes its enough although personally I dont think you need to use it at all

    2) Must I run HCG with nolvadex ? I'm currently using Test & Deca 500mgs/week each and I was under the impression that using nolvadex while on a progesterone would cause problems...

    Leave the Nolvadex out

    I'm running arimidex @ 1mg/day w/ .5mg cabergoline every 5 days during this cycle, would 500iu's of HCG push me over into gyno-land?

    Thats way to much adex . 0.25mg EOD is enough

    Experience thoughts and comments welcomed..

    Answers in bold above

  3. #3
    Freakish's Avatar
    Freakish is offline Senior Member
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    kale you said it perfectly

  4. #4
    Freakish's Avatar
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    1mg of adex is way way too much,are you gyno prone?still .25mg ed is plenty

  5. #5
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    100iu/day is the only way your sack will sty its origional size this way you wont even lose a pound when you come off the cycle also an instead of arimidex i would use aromasin /proviron . i have a buddy in the gym who does exacly this i would never listento him and either he is on all year round or he doesnt lose a lb of muscle nore does he seam to ever gain weight in fat..i just got off tren e, test cyp, var, proviron adex cycle and i was shut down bad! i lost 4lbs of that hard gained muscle before i recovered so its been 2months off now and i'm about to go on a hcg /aromasin/nolvadex /zma/tribulus cycle for a month to further regulate everthing then 2months after that i'mjumping on a cycle with hcg ed! by he way the caber youwill have to up a tab after week 5

  6. #6
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Running some HCG on cycle is a good idea when using deca .
    i'd run it 500iu 3xwk for the last 2wks of cycle and upto PCT, this will help give you a kickstart for PCT.

  7. #7
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john1181 View Post
    100iu/day is the only way your sack will sty its origional size this way you wont even lose a pound when you come off the cycle also an instead of arimidex i would use aromasin/proviron. i have a buddy in the gym who does exacly this i would never listento him and either he is on all year round or he doesnt lose a lb of muscle nore does he seam to ever gain weight in fat..i just got off tren e, test cyp, var, proviron adex cycle and i was shut down bad! i lost 4lbs of that hard gained muscle before i recovered so its been 2months off now and i'm about to go on a hcg/aromasin/nolvadex/zma/tribulus cycle for a month to further regulate everthing then 2months after that i'mjumping on a cycle with hcg ed! by he way the caber youwill have to up a tab after week 5

    HCG does not have to be taken ed to get the effects.......I only take it 2x per week at 250iu, and i have never had any problems......the half life is long enough, where i can be taken e3d

  8. #8
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    I somehow left out I'm also on 30mgs dbol a day.

    I take 1mg arimidex because I am gyno prone and I just recovered from gyno surgery.

    All the research I've done on arimidex states that it lowers estrogen in men by 50% all of them natural and none of which were on any steroids cycles.

    I'm at the point where I'd rather lose some gains rather than possibly have my gyno return and have my nips cut open again (which would absolutly ruin them this next time)

    I'm just scared to take less, not much to gain in my book. I'll start lowering it to .5mg/day and if it starts to itch/burn I'll bump it back up.
    Last edited by briancb1; 10-10-2008 at 11:31 AM.

  9. #9
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would definitely lower the arimidex dosage......1mg ed is a lot.....taper down until you find a level in which your are comfortable with...

  10. #10
    john1181's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    HCG does not have to be taken ed to get the effects.......I only take it 2x per week at 250iu, and i have never had any problems......the half life is long enough, where i can be taken e3d
    "it is most desirable to adhere to a lower more frequent dose of hCG to mimic the body’s natural LH release and minimize estrogen conversion"
    "For preservation of testicular sensitivity, use 100iu hCG ED starting 7 days after your first AAS dose."

    i'm pretty sure those endocrinology and performance enhancement docs know their shit much better than a lot of us

  11. #11
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    so or someone who was to run a long harsh cycle i think would be much safer via this protocol

  12. #12
    fanatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1 View Post

    1) Does 500iu's a week of HCG sound like its enough to help my nuts stay a normal size?

    Yes. 500 iu's is a good starting point to see how the HCG will effect you. A good rule of thumb is to only use the necessary amount... if 500iu doesn't keep the boys big, increase the dosage- it's that simple.

    2) Must I run HCG with nolvadex ? I'm currently using Test & Deca 500mgs/week each and I was under the impression that using nolvadex while on a progesterone would cause problems...

    No. HCG can (most likely will) cause estrogenic sides but your a-dex will suffice. If you weren't running the Deca I would go with the nolva, though.

    I'm running arimidex @ 1mg/day w/ .5mg cabergoline every 5 days during this cycle, would 500iu's of HCG push me over into gyno-land?

    Most likely not. I mean, everyone reacts differently but adding 500iu's of HCG to this cycle wouldn't make that big of a difference. With this being said, 1mg of a-dex is on the high side... I'd only recommend that much if you had an existing case of gyno and were trying to get rid of it; .25mg/day is plenty but note that a-dex is known to have an estrogen-rebound effect.

    Answered in the quote...

  13. #13
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Most likely not. I mean, everyone reacts differently but adding 500iu's of HCG to this cycle wouldn't make that big of a difference. With this being said, 1mg of a-dex is on the high side... I'd only recommend that much if you had an existing case of gyno and were trying to get rid of it; .25mg/day is plenty but note that a-dex is known to have an estrogen-rebound effect.

    Can you site a source for this? Ive heard of SOME people saying there is a rebound with Adex use, but ive never seen a source... I use Adex on cycle and stop its use at the end of my cycle and have NEVER had a estrogen rebound effect. Ive used it in a 12wk Test E cycle and stopped use when the cycle ended and started PCT without it. No rebound effect. My other cycles have always used Prop since, and i dont have time in between cycle stop and the beginning of PCT so I was always under the impression that it DOES NOT have an effect...

    And if there is, it should be taken into account that use of AI will handle any such effect.
    Last edited by WARMachine; 10-10-2008 at 06:11 PM.

  14. #14
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    I'll try running .5mg/ed for a while and see how it feels.

    If it starts to feel like pinching or stinging, up the dose to what? Thanks.


  15. #15
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    I do not have Adex available here will nolva do it for me ? i have plenty of it.

  16. #16
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    ^ why dont you start your own thread...

    And Brian, .5mgs ED should be more than sufficent.

  17. #17
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    well thanks anyway, i read the profiles once again and got the answer WAR4BTT

  18. #18
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    guys 1mg of adex on cycle is much better than .5 even at 1mg/day you will still have estrogen as seen in cancer patients who use it at 1mg/day. at 1mg it will prevent most if not all your testosterone from converting into estro and there is also a significant increase in testosterone that is not availablewith the .5dose so that along with the on cycle hcg is perfect. lets not forget adex doesnt reduce igf-1 it increases you will be gaining pure reslts and not much water retention. it would be smart to switch up to aromasin and nolvadex at the end along with pct..i'm way offthe seen in my experiace 1mg of adex is the better choice

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