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Thread: hair loss question

  1. #1

    hair loss question


    i started my 500mg test e cycle with a dbol kick start 12 days ago, i'm running proviron @ 25mg ED. about 5 days ago i noticed that i was losing hair quite rapidly. i stopped the dbol yesterday and today the hair loss seems to have stopped. is it pretty safe to asume that once the test kicks in it wil start again? so i'm going to order some Proscar monday. is it something that i need to start taking as soon as i get it to built up in my system or wait and see whether the hair loss starts again ?

    Thanks for the advice

  2. #2
    another thing, has any1 got Proscar prescribed by the doc? if i went to the doc about hair loss would he give it to me or would he want to blood tests etc first?

  3. #3
    Test converts to DHT. A lot of test converts to a lot of DHT. Proscar may lower that, but it takes 2 weeks to reach baseline so you should have staretd it earlier.
    Another thing people forget is testosterone is also fairly androgenic in itself...that is all DHT aside. So a lot of testosterone in your system could lead to hairloss. Its a toss up.

  4. #4
    thanks for the reply, any advice on the doc thing?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    na finasteride will pwn ur DHT about 40-60% in the first couple days. you may not have stable blood readings for a while, but it works fast.

    That said, it appears you're very mpb prone and I dont think finasteride is going to avert as much damage as you'd like it to. Maybe go natty...

  6. #6
    um yeah you are using proviron which is known for its effect on hair. weird you knew to drop the dbol but not proviron,,...,eal;ffelkfe

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Sourced Out
    Steroids are strange in that they theoretically can kick-start a balding process. It is possible that a short course of steroids might start what may have otherwise taken years to start. Once started, anything goes. Your question should be: Do I have active genetic hair loss? The answer is get yourself examined; have your scalp mapped out for miniaturization to find out if you have genetic balding. With that knowledge, you can make intelligent decisions on what to do.

  8. #8
    bald is beautiful bro…shave it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    take the dutasteride if test is in your cycle
    nizoral 2% as your shampoo
    Spiro 5% cream blocks androgens and is all you can do

    Nizoral - leave in "conditioner/shampoo" or w/e (prevents DHT from forming on the head)
    Rogaine ExStr - Promotes gains -----topical liquid
    Finasteride - stops DHT from forming on the head. Pill -take 1mg daily. (argueably 1mg)

    if you're prone to mpb, you're pretty much out of luck for the most part as any steroid will aggrivate the condition

    Cause limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var
    3. HGH (but 90% of us can't find it or afford it)

    Cause moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny
    5. Dbol

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly

    with any winstrol type product they are derived from dht so im not 100% sure but propecia stops the conversion from test to dht so if it is already in dht form propecia might not be effective.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    nice post... iv been losing hair fast, but i stopped my cycle like 5-6 weeks ago... weird, it wasn't happening while i was on cycle

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I dumped finasteride while doing test because of the negative effects it has on androgens. Going to start Nizoral soon.

  12. #12
    i already keep my hair pretty short, usually go all over with a no. 2. when i say i was losing alot of hair i could rub my head(quite vigorously, trying to see whether hair is coming out) and 1 or 2 hairs were then sitting on the desk.
    i have kept doing to provirion because it was my understanding that (this is not the full correct answer) although it is a dht derivative it never gets to some receptor, this is why it has no anabolic effects (or something like that). can i just buy this nizoral shampoo in a supermarket?

  13. #13
    i have also run tbol @ 60mg ED before and winny @ 50mg ED (these were stupid cycles a couple of years ago) and didn't notice any hairloss, but saying that i never rubbed my head to see!

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