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  1. #1
    rebellax is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008

    Thoughts on taking HGH and Test at the same time

    I've currently started a cycle of test cypoinate 400mg/wk breaking it up into 2 200mg/wk and taking nolva as part of the cycle. I've also been give a prescription of HGH (tev-tropin) to take .35cc units daily. I'm not taking the HGH right now but I wanted to get anybodys opinion about adding the HGH daily to my current cycle. Any thoughts about that? Good idea, bad idea? When would be the best time to take HGH? Just wanted to get some opinions.

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Never touched HGH, i cant get it, and its too expensive...

    From my understanding, it takes many months to gain effects from it...

  3. #3
    Nitro29's Avatar
    Nitro29 is offline Member
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    Tombstone, AZ
    Hell yeah I would take it. Especially if your prescription is good for at least 6 months. Take it subq, everyday first thing in the morning. Lucky bastard.

  4. #4
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2006
    I would because HGH and test are sinergistic. Other compounds that work well with these are t3 and slin, but I don't recomend running them unless you know very well what you are doing.

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