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  1. #1
    muaythaiguy76's Avatar
    muaythaiguy76 is offline Associate Member
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    weight gain problem

    im 22 and been cycling off and on since i was 18 and ive noticed that i cant gain weight like i could a year or so ago i could take a cycle of test 500 mgs wk and 4-5 dbol daily and get up to 270 from a off cycle 255 in 5 to 8 weeks but now i cant seem to break 260 ive upped my calories my strength is much higher than it was when i was 270 seem to be alot leaner but i cant put the weight on even eating dirty and up to 7000 calories a day and i noticed it all started after i ran a 4-5 month 4iu eod gh cycle any ideas? im wondering if it could be my metabolisim or maybei m not reacting to the gear as well or water retention isnt as high? a year ago i was probably around 270 at 20 percent now i was 264 at 15 percent last time i checked

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    i don't see whats wrong with that.. eating "dirty" calories isn't a good solution to it. its possible your metabolism is higher but with 7000 calories a day you should see some sort of weight gain eventually. how long have you been eating that much and what does a daily diet look like?

  3. #3
    muaythaiguy76's Avatar
    muaythaiguy76 is offline Associate Member
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    my diet is probably terrible but i eat every 2 -3 hours il just type my meal out for the day which is pretty regular

    meal 1 2 chicken breast 1 baked potatoe

    meal 2 2 scoops whey isolate 1.5 cup of oats 2 cups milk

    meal 3 2 burritos with 4.5 ounces of 97 lean ground beef each

    meal 4 6 oz ribeye steak 6 oz chicken breast baked potatoe

    meal 5 cheat meal daily ussually 2 double cheeseburgers or small pizza with chicken breast on top or fried chicken

    meal 6 2 cans tuna

    meal 7 shake with tbsp nat peanut butter and maybe some ice cream

    and current weight is actually 255 -258 around 14 percent

    meal 7

  4. #4
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    well two shakes don't really count for a meal. also its not really advisable to have a daily cheat meal. thats more of a weekly thing. but looking at it, i would guess 4-5k calories, not 7, unless your weights are off by a little.

  5. #5
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muaythaiguy76 View Post
    meal 5 cheat meal daily ussually 2 double cheeseburgers or small pizza with chicken breast on top or fried chicken
    Are you serious?

    Eating that shit every day will make you look like shit in the long run.

    Just from examining your diet, you aren't getting enough protein...My guess is you are barely hitting 300g.

    Eat more real food, cut out the garbage, and eliminate the protein shakes completely.

    I guarantee you start gaining if you are getting upwards of 425g protein each day from good sources.

  6. #6
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
    fattymcbutterpants is offline Senior Member
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    not trying to steal the thread, but i think i remember reading on here one time your body cant use more than like 55g of protein at a time roughly so anything over that per meal is pretty much wasted? any of you all know if there is any truth to that

  7. #7
    daem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    not trying to steal the thread, but i think i remember reading on here one time your body cant use more than like 55g of protein at a time roughly so anything over that per meal is pretty much wasted? any of you all know if there is any truth to that
    Yes, and it's all because of how the kidneys function...They are the organ that limits protein uptake if I remember correctly.

    The rest sits in your stomach being digested and the rest of the protein is lost.

    Steroids increase the synthesis of this protein to help repair muscles quicker, so that's why it's never a bad idea to eat slightly more than the 55-65g of protein that is a standard maximum limit.

    I usually go for 70g of protein at each meal while on cycle spread out over 6 or 7 meals...That number is closer to 60g while off cycle.

  8. #8
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
    fattymcbutterpants is offline Senior Member
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    o ok im glad you said that because i have been trying to stay at 55g so its not just wasting the food, but im on cycle SOO its time to bump it up some lol

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattymcbutterpants View Post
    not trying to steal the thread, but i think i remember reading on here one time your body cant use more than like 55g of protein at a time roughly so anything over that per meal is pretty much wasted? any of you all know if there is any truth to that
    You mean absorb 55mgs of protein? I'd say you're right. I always stay around 50 max.

  10. #10
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
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    yea thats what i meant. but I will probably stay at about 60 tops. Because i have about 8 meals a day and im still hungry so i will just split it up over that and just get more protein in overall instead of trying to get alot in all at once. but i eat about every hour and a half whenever i can. I would space it out a little more but basically no matter how much i eat im still hungry within an hour so might as well just go ahead and wait another 30 minutes to let it digest a little better then eat again lol
    Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 10-15-2008 at 01:16 AM.

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