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  1. #1
    liveforthepump36 is offline New Member
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    First time user, NEED ADVICE!

    Hey guys, how are yall doing.. I am 18 years old and have been playing football ever since I was a little kid. I have been an avid lifter in the weight room since freshmen year of high school and take it very seriously. My football days are coming towards the end and I have my heart set on bodybuilding. I have expiereneced with every legal supplement in the book from creatine to prohormones, etc. I am ready to take it to the next level. I need yalls help with a good beginners bulking cycle, thats not to hardcore, yet will deffininatly put some good size on me. I am 5' 10" 210 right now and after football ends I would like to begin bulking. I am looking for a cycle that will get me started, that is highly suggested and somewhat cost effiecent. I have heard TEST 250 is a good way to go, but I would like yalls input. I also would like some advice on supplements I would need to take with my cycle, as well as post cycles, and the amount of dosage I would need to take per week or however. Thanks for all the help, it will be greatly appreicated.. LIFT HARD!

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    First off...

    You are ENTIRELY too young to start a cycle.

    You should have no problem getting to 225lbs+ naturally if you are already 210.

    We will need some further stats, but certainly a cycle is out of the question at your age.

    diet summary/# meals per day
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

    Secondly, you should start off my researching on your own. People arent just gonna hand out info that they took the time to learn just because you are being lazy.

  3. #3
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    18 is a little on the young side for my liking..
    how much research have you done on gear use?
    need to know this stuff in and out before you decide to do anything..
    personally i suggest you research this topic for the next couple years atleast before you decide to do anything

  4. #4
    liveforthepump36 is offline New Member
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    Ive done massive amounts of research and a lot of the guys im around in the gym started at 17, 18 years of age and are doing great..

  5. #5
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    ok.. for shits and grins throw a little something together for us including anti'e's and pct that we can look at..

  6. #6
    liveforthepump36 is offline New Member
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    Alright man, if you don't want to help me out then just leave it alone.. I was thinking somwhere along the lines of just starting out with Test 250 250mg per week for 6 wks with nolvadex ... And then with my PCT taking nolvadex with a natural test booster.. I'm sorry I'm trying to learn man.. All I was asking for was for some tips

  7. #7
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    nah, i didnt mean to come off harsh.. if your trying to learn thats fine and dandy..
    i personally have a hard time giving steroid advise to someone who i dont feel should be using them yet.. hope you see where im coming from.. not trying to be a dick
    keep up with the research..just hope you hold off for awhile

  8. #8
    liveforthepump36 is offline New Member
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    Ook, thanks a lot man.. That's all I was looking for, advise.. If you think I'm too young than I will respect that and listen to your opinion.. Thanks a lot though it will deffiantly beneifit me

  9. #9
    opMuscle is offline New Member
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    ay bro im new to aas myself and on first cycle. im 24 and researched for months before i posted here and i still got gamed up even after i thuoght i had it figured out. listen to these guys..war..mulciber..etc they know what they're talkin about they wont steer u wrong dude. do ur research and do ur best to grow more naturally and definately wait till ur a bit older..... keep readin on here and good luck man

  10. #10
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    You'll end up regretting the mistake you made later in life by not listening now, 18 years old is too young to start cycling. I don't care that you know people that were doing steroids at 17 years old, obviously you're not dealing with rocket scientists. Take the time to research and see why taiking steroids at such a young age could be detrimental to your endocrine system.

  11. #11
    liveforthepump36 is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot yall.. I have done a good bit of research, but I'm learning its no where near the caliber I need to. I am around a lot of npc bodybuilders and the told me a short cycle of test 250 alone would be fine, a lot healtheier ann the phs I take.. But thanks for the input its good to know there's still good people out there

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