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  1. #1
    hihi123 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008

    Question Need advice on first cycle

    Hi all,

    I've decided after thinking about it for around 1yr, but need advice on what cycle to go on, and if someone could tell me what i need for pct and also to prevent gyno that'd be great.

    6ft 3
    13~% bf
    working out for: just under 3yrs

    current diet:
    meal 1: muesli (with semi skimmed milk)
    meal 2: protein source + brown rice (w reggae reggae sauce usually, nutri info)
    meal 3: protein source + brown rice (w reggae reggae sauce usually, nutri info)
    meal 4: protein source + brown rice (w reggae reggae sauce usually, nutri info)
    meal 5: protein source + brown rice (w reggae reggae sauce usually, nutri info)
    meal 6: 3 scoops whey protein

    when i put "protein source" that means either, tuna/chicken/turkey/steak/or lean meat angus burger

    other info: pre-workout food is about 100g mixed nuts, also i eat roughly 5 apples throught a day

    btw im 20yrs old i know you're meant to be under 21, but my mind is made up, so if anyone could offer advice that'd be great!

    edit: forgot to mention what results im looking for, i'm after gaining more muscle mass and lowering bf% a few %
    Last edited by hihi123; 10-17-2008 at 01:47 AM.

  2. #2
    dash0059 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2007
    you probly don't want to hear this but i dont think your ready for your first cycle yet...if your on here asking what to take then you havent done enough research...find out about EVERY SINGLE roid out there and then you'll be able to form a good stack and know exactly what you are putting in your body (theres a profle of every one on this website)...then come here and post your potential cycle and then we will be able to help you a lot better..

    but at 20 you're still able to get your desired results without juice..theres no need to start that've been thinking about this for over a year...wat is one more year? hit the gym and do some cardio and over the next year you'll get more mass and lower bf%...then you'll know better if you want to do a cycle or not..

    And i'd recommend revamping your diet...just eating protein and brown rice for every meal won't do as much as a diet that is more balanced....and personally i get a lot of my carbs during breakfast and my post workout meal...but go to the diet forums section and you'll find primers and good advice there...

    you may have made up your mind...but before you jump into a cycle consider all of that and take some more time....if you start this stuff too soon and without much knowledge of them you can really **** yourself of luck bro

  3. #3
    hihi123 is offline New Member
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    I said my mind is already made up (besides, if arnold can be popping dbol from 14y/o i dont see what's wrong with being 20 and fully grown), and i posted here so that i dont f*ck myself up by asking people with the knowledge already. Please actually give me cycle advice rather than hindering it, thanks!

  4. #4
    hihi123 is offline New Member
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  5. #5
    GMD3019 is offline Junior Member
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    The Gates Of Valhalla
    i agree with dash0059 but i no thats not the answer ur looking for from ur Q but really it the advice is really the best u really should spend more than enough time researching the diff. options then when u find some that u think will work for what u want do even more research on those then u can choose to post ur proposed cycle on here and get peoples opinions which may or may not be what u r looking for cus really the thing is to no inject a drug period but we are all here because of the indisputable results of the "miricale drug" the results very per drug and that is why u need to read as much as possible on all of them and deside what u think u want me personally my first cycle which a lot of people say not to do i 110% loved finaplix /tren a and test e great strength gains and wieght gains 30lbs in 8 weeks was able to hold on to twenty of those lol only bad side effect noticed was acne

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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  7. #7
    hihi123 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008
    I found this

    I think i'll go with that (after reading up on each, ill prob start it in a few months..i'm not in a rush)
    Last edited by hihi123; 10-17-2008 at 04:01 AM.

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