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Thread: Please read Gyno..Need Bromo very bad please read.pretty please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Please read Gyno..Need Bromo very bad please read.pretty please

    If bromo is not legal please disregard but if its not please pm me and tell me where I can find some that is domestic cause i know how to get some from overseas but I need them very bad cause im not sure but think Im getting progestorone gyno. My left tit is been sore but not really on the nipple its like on the side of my tit. I been taking armidex ed .25 I have eq/deca/t200 in my cycle and the deca is only 300mg a week but the eq and enan is 400 each a week for 12 weeks so please let me know if im overeacting cause I had a few bros on here tell me that deca at 300mg a week wont cause gyno. I had tt dbols in my cycle but it was hurting my lower back way too much so i stopped them and yes im taking tyler liver detox and rala and drinking mucho water. Please give your opinion on this matter so i can see from the responses that I am just too paranoid, oh yea i do notice that my left side of chest does have more bf on the side going towards arm pit then the right one, is that normal??? thanx bros BTW Im in the end of my 4th week of my cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Bro dont worry about the bromo. Do me a favor and get your hands on nolvadex. start out at 40mg/day until the the symptoms subside and then drop it down to 20 or 10mg/day for maintenance. Im 99% positve that this will take care of your gyno. The reason you have gyno is because of estro--NOt prog. It seems like your prone to gyno so I would just stay on nolvadex and arimidex(if feasible). BTW deca converts to E AND P. I dont know the ratio though. Keep us posted on your situation.

  3. #3
    Ranger, check your PM's.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I have nolv's too and probaley gonna start taking 1 eod. Do you guys think this is gyno??

  5. #5
    take 2 everyday for a wk or so and then drop it to 1 ed for the remainder of the cycle throughout clomid

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    25mg ED of Arimdex wont counter dbol + test and EQ - thats your problem - easy to fix - if you are worried about it, start with 1mg ED of Arimdex and start hitting the Nolva heavy for about a week - should clear you up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oh ok guys Im wondering if I have gyno or Im just paranoid, this sux..
    Ill get the nolvs and stick to that for awhile are the ** armidex good?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Yes, as cycle said, nolv is the thing to have. I had to up my nolv to 80mg a day to get my lumps and pain down. Armidex, and Liquidex works great..

  9. #9
    bromocriptine inhibits prolactin.. which is HIGHLY implicated in hard tissue maintanance and growth (as well as the puffy nips syndrome).

    gyno from deca and tren, from user posts often does not respond to nolva.. among those that have tried bromo.. very good success rate.

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