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Thread: Shrinkage!

  1. #1
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    I've read others about ball shrinkage (and knew that was part of the package) and know that HCG is the wife brought up the fact that she's noticed mine have gotten smaller (tonight in fact after a little loving...I agree with her) I'm on Test Cyp 400 week (200x2).

    Neither one of us are overly concerned with decrease in size ( I can take her teasing for a while), but my question is, how long after the cessation of my cycle (in week 8 of 12) will they begin to return to normal?

    I'm using Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT...will those two compounds suffice for bringing them back to normal size eventually? I was under the impression it was...but after "the ball talk" tonight with the wife, I got myself a little paranoid!!!

    I've done one Test E cycle in the past with no PCT and the boys were fine. But now I definately look like Ive been swimming in a cold pool.

    I'm worried about getting scammed buying HCG online, but will roll the dice if absolutely researching this cycle, I got some good assurances I would NOT need my knowledge is limited in the HCG department (don't worry Im reading my arse off now...but thought I'd turn to the forum first)

    Would I order the pregnyl type? What dose I.U and how many amps IF 100% necessary??

    (I'm really hoping someone will tell me they'll come back during PCT in time with Nolva/clomid) but I can handle whatever's heading my way)


    (stats..33 YO...6'3" in check....more than a decade of training...current testicle size...small!)

  2. #2
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    How long you been on this cycle?
    You shouldn't need HCG.
    Nolva and clomid?

  3. #3
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    I'm on week 8 of 12

    From the questions I asked..Nolva/Clomid PCT...would be fine

  4. #4
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    You'll have to ask guys that have more experience than myself in pct. Nolva and clomid are pretty much the same. From what i know, nolva is better. Clomid almost made me crazy when i used it. But you need an ai as well. Maybe proviron? But i can't tell you the dosages. People will help, trust me. Have you had any symptoms yet?

  5. #5
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    Go do some research on pct bro. This site has an awesome "search" section.

  6. #6
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    I read that and AI and SERM should be used for PCT...but kept asking PCT questions...and the consensus was, I could get away with Nolva
    (20/20/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50) for PCT. I know Clomid and Nolva are both SERM's, but was informed to use both, just to cover all angles....was going to add Aromasin (but was having a hard time finding it w/out an **...and the on-line non-** places wanted 400$ for 30 days).

    7 years ago (before I joined up) I did Test E (I did 250 up to 500 and back down to 250) with no PCT, I did fine..kept most of my gains and experienced little to no sides)

    The Cyp I'm on now has been sides (mild bloat if I don't watch my sodium) but these past 2 weeks have been great in the gym...but the shrinking started to occur as well)

    Then after some love making with the wife...afterwars she laughingly said my balls have gotten smaller...(she's cool with it....very honest relationship...I've been married a while...she help down the Fort while I was over seas). We had a good chuckle, and then I got paranoid that "WHAT IF THEY DON'T COME BACK"??? But want to hold off on HCG...until I'm assured tha my planned PCT wont eventually bring them back.

    Thanks again
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 10-18-2008 at 12:56 AM.

  7. #7
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    This is exactly why i can't give you an exact answer my man. I've been juicin since 96 and only pct'd(?) twice. I'm no expert. I just thought i'd put my 2 cents in. Sorry if i confused you. But in all honesty, you're not doing enough to do anything. 400mgs isn't going to do anything except make you more horny....If your balls are shrinking right now, doing test...I'd go to the doc. You are doing test right?

  8. #8
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    I appreciate the honesty! It's definitely made me hornier...but have noticed a difference in the gym as well(and my overall physical appearence). I got out of the Army after tearing my labrum, and as a civilian, I wasn't doing much, weights back after it 2 years ago (after shoulder surgery) and have made a 180 degree turn back to my old self...had access to some some Cyp and felt I was ready..and I've been enjoying the hell out of it...kept myself honest with my diet and my WO routine...but now the inevitable shrinkage and just looking for some reassurance they'll get back to normal after end of cycle and my planned Nolva/Clomid PCT.

    Thanks either way St. Pete
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 10-18-2008 at 12:57 AM.

  9. #9
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    That's cool man, i appreciate your service!!

    So your balls are still shrunk? I wouldn't know why? But i'll tell you this, there's many people here more experienced than myself. I'm sure they'll be here before long. Good luck to you, and god bless.

  10. #10
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    Ya balls are still shrunk and 4 weeks to go on the cycyle (I hope they don't shrink anymore!)

    I appreacite it bro...same to you!

    This site has been nothing but informational and educational that's for sure!!!
    I'm stoked I found it!

  11. #11
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    hArD hItTen
    yes i would take some kind of SERM like clomid, nolvadex, both act on the estrogen receptor , inhibiting its secretion taken both during and after cycle especially during due to your bodys attempt to balance out your high test level with estrogen and def take HCG following the cycle because you have been adminstering an exogenous source of testosterone into your body which has resulted in the hypothalamus to shut down the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (this hormone stimulates the release of FSH and LH) so HCG is going to release neurotransmitters which active these hormones again which in turn activate your leydig cells which start up natural test i dont understand how someone would say that HCG is not needed considering the physiology of your reproductive system.... I also use HCG in low doses like 350ius versus the usual 500ius never want to use to much or you will inhibit your body's naturally ability to produce test like they say less most of the time is better.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Ya balls are still shrunk and 4 weeks to go on the cycyle (I hope they don't shrink anymore!)

    I appreacite it bro...same to you!

    This site has been nothing but informal and educational that's for sure!!!
    I'm stoked I found it!
    Why you so worried? I think it's in your head. You should be fine bro. How long you been on? How many mgs per week? Let's get to brass.
    You worried about your balls cause she says so? I have an answer for that.
    If you're only worried about some broad, and not yourself, then let go of the juice. This is about you...And no one else, if you can't deal with it on a daily basis; let it go. You're balls aren't shrinking, she's just telling you that for some other motive. (did that ever cross your mind)?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drkodiak1 View Post
    yes i would take some kind of SERM like clomid, nolvadex, both act on the estrogen receptor , inhibiting its secretion taken both during and after cycle especially during due to your bodys attempt to balance out your high test level with estrogen and def take HCG following the cycle because you have been adminstering an exogenous source of testosterone into your body which has resulted in the hypothalamus to shut down the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (this hormone stimulates the release of FSH and LH) so HCG is going to release neurotransmitters which active these hormones again which in turn activate your leydig cells which start up natural test i dont understand how someone would say that HCG is not needed considering the physiology of your reproductive system.... I also use HCG in low doses like 350ius versus the usual 500ius never want to use to much or you will inhibit your body's naturally ability to produce test like they say less most of the time is better.
    I can copy and paste, and i didn't even graduate from high school. And don't try to tell me you wrote that. Cause if so, i'm going to whip your ass on principal. Now, let's get real. What's your deal man?

  14. #14
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    well its common sense that if your going to administer a foreign substance into your body you should be has highly educated on the subject as possible too often people give half answers without ever giving full explanations to why certain drugs need to be taken leaving the individual on the receiving end lost and potentially putting themselves in harms way.......and yes i wrote my last post after years of research on the subject these concepts become common knowledge to me
    Last edited by Drkodiak1; 10-18-2008 at 01:37 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drkodiak1 View Post
    well its common sense that if your going to administer a foreign substance into your body you should be has highly educated on the subject as possible too often people give half answers without ever giving full explanations to why certain drugs need to be taken leaving the individual on the receiving end lost and potentially putting themselves in harms way.......
    And why don't you just come out and say what you mean? You can't even stop your sentences bro. I take your advice like i do my mothers, non-existant.

  16. #16
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    well all the information i provided does exist.... i dont know how my punctuation has anything to do with the validity of the facts i provided, facts are facts they are all supported by extensive scientific research......

  17. #17
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    Do tell Einstein. You do realize where you're at right?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Why you so worried? I think it's in your head. You should be fine bro. How long you been on? How many mgs per week? Let's get to brass.
    You worried about your balls cause she says so? I have an answer for that.
    If you're only worried about some broad, and not yourself, then let go of the juice. This is about you...And no one else, if you can't deal with it on a daily basis; let it go. You're balls aren't shrinking, she's just telling you that for some other motive. (did that ever cross your mind)?

    First off...yes my fellas have shrunken. Secondly it's not some "broad"'s my wife of 7 years (ya know the one who paid my bills, looked after my house and dogs, worried relentlessly for me and sent me love letters and gave me a reason to wake up every day while I was sleeping in a hole in the desert for 2 years..and the future mother of my children).

    There is no "other motive" we were just talking about my cycle is all and side effects, she thinks I look great (as do I) and we agreed my fellas have shrunk.
    And it's certainly not in my's in my nuts!
    Her only "motive" is concern for me...wifes tend to do's called love

    And I'd like to reciprocate by giving her honest validated info...she's not worried...she trusts me, and I trust myself.
    But wanting my nuts back to their normal size isn't crazy...I knew the risks going in, but did my due diligence on PCT, and now am double checking on the HCG part because of the size reduction, and looking for some encouragement/reinforcement that they'll return with my planned PCT

    I posted what mg's I was taking, and you replied "400 mgs would only make me horny" not sure why you would ask that again? Then you seemed to turn my post into an arguing match...WTF?!?!

    St. Pete, I appreciate the attempt at help and DrKodiak I know the info about HCG...thanks for reiforcing the science behind it ( I get all that)

    But my question is...will my balls eventually return to their normal size upon cessation of my planned cycle and PCT??

    (400 mgs Cyp weekly for 12 weeks---200 X 2....Nolve/Clomid PCT...currently on week 8 of 12)

    Anyone...Bueller?? Anyone??
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 10-18-2008 at 09:54 AM.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    the answer is yes. and nolva and clomid are not almost the same, they are completely different.....
    finish your cycle, run your pct with clomid and nolva if thats what you have and you will be fine, it will take some time during your pct, but as your body begins to produce its own test again, ur lil ones will come back...
    question: are ur lil ones painful in any way, if u are getting pain, then i suggest hcg, otherwise you should be fine with what u have....
    but again, nolva and clomid are not the same...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I've read others about ball shrinkage (and knew that was part of the package) and know that HCG is the wife brought up the fact that she's noticed mine have gotten smaller (tonight in fact after a little loving...I agree with her) I'm on Test Cyp 400 week (200x2).

    Neither one of us are overly concerned with decrease in size ( I can take her teasing for a while), but my question is, how long after the cessation of my cycle (in week 8 of 12) will they begin to return to normal?

    I'm using Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT...will those two compounds suffice for bringing them back to normal size eventually? I was under the impression it was...but after "the ball talk" tonight with the wife, I got myself a little paranoid!!!

    I've done one Test E cycle in the past with no PCT and the boys were fine. But now I definately look like Ive been swimming in a cold pool.

    I'm worried about getting scammed buying HCG online, but will roll the dice if absolutely researching this cycle, I got some good assurances I would NOT need my knowledge is limited in the HCG department (don't worry Im reading my arse off now...but thought I'd turn to the forum first)

    Would I order the pregnyl type? What dose I.U and how many amps IF 100% necessary??

    (I'm really hoping someone will tell me they'll come back during PCT in time with Nolva/clomid) but I can handle whatever's heading my way)


    (stats..33 YO...6'3" in check....more than a decade of training...current testicle size...small!)
    Hard to say cause everybody is different......HCG/ Pregnyl= same thing. The way I do it is in the last 2 weeks of cycle I'll use 250 iu's eod and through PCT 500 iu's 2x a week for the duration. It should help but don't be surprised if they don't come back 100% immediately. BTW anytime you buy on-line you're taking a risk...buyer beware.

  22. #22
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    the answer is yes. and nolva and clomid are not almost the same, they are completely different.....
    finish your cycle, run your pct with clomid and nolva if thats what you have and you will be fine, it will take some time during your pct, but as your body begins to produce its own test again, ur lil ones will come back...
    question: are ur lil ones painful in any way, if u are getting pain, then i suggest hcg, otherwise you should be fine with what u have....
    but again, nolva and clomid are not the same...

    No pain at all...and they're functioning just fine too.

    The shrinking has leveled off, but still smaller than when I started!

    I'm just going to run my planned PCT and hope for the best...

    (if not then I'll try HCG)

    They might be looking smaller too because I'm looking bigger!! LOL!

    Thanks moose and Inky!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    question: are ur lil ones painful in any way, if u are getting pain, then i suggest hcg, otherwise you should be fine with what u have....
    but again, nolva and clomid are not the same...

    why take it is you feel pain? does the pain mean there severly shutdown?

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