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  1. #1
    shynee is offline New Member
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    First Time Cycle: Need your Input!

    Hey guys,

    I've looking into starting my first cycle as soon as I figure everything out. I am 24 years old, 5'9 and weigh 160 pounds. I have been working out on and off for the last 2 years. The reason that I've been on and off is because of University exam months and finals which made it impossible for me to even leave the library. Now I know what you're thinking... if i dont have the time to consistently train, then Im not ready for steroids . But the thing is, Ive finally graduated, with a steady job, and now I have a lot more free time to work out consistently. I don't want to waste anymore time. My goals are not to develop a massive steroid look, I just want to gain lean muscle and eventually get ripped, but gaining mass is the primary objective right now. I am wondering if 1 cycle will be enough to "kick start" me towards the right direction. I am very dedicated, and will continue a hard routine afterwards, with the right diet plan of course.

    In addition, I have around 15% body fat (guessing: I have a flat stomach, but cant see abs, maybe a 2 pack Also I havent hit the gym in 5 months and lost most of my muscles.. I am considering working out a month or 2 to gain some of it back before I start the cycle.

    This is what I'm looking at:

    Weeks 1-12 test e 500mg/week - injections 3.5 days apart
    Weeks 1-4 Winstrol 50mg/day for a kick start

    I dont want to use dbol because it is much more expensive. Also is it better to use deca instead of winstrol at around 500mg/week for 12 weeks (Im not too sure about this)?

    Now, PCT starting week 13:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    Should I run estrogen protection while on the cycle? Im not sure if I require it.

    Lastly, I just want to say that my goal is only to do 1 cycle... so I really want as much of a gain as I can get, then go back to my natural routine. On average, with a hard routine and great diet, how many pounds of muscle do you then one can potentially gain?

    Thanks for reading my post guys! Looking forward to your input.
    Last edited by shynee; 10-19-2008 at 01:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Post your diet, with those stats and your lack of workout program you are no where near ready to start a cycle dude.

  3. #3
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shynee View Post
    Hey guys,

    I've looking into starting my first cycle as soon as I figure everything out. I am 24 years old, 5'9 and weigh 160 pounds. I have been working out on and off for the last 2 years. The reason that I've been on and off is because of University exam months and finals which made it impossible for me to even leave the library. Now I know what you're thinking... if i dont have the time to consistently train, then Im not ready for steroids . But the thing is, Ive finally graduated, with a steady job, and now I have a lot more free time to work out consistently. I don't want to waste anymore time. My goals are not to develop a massive steroid look, I just want to gain lean muscle and eventually get ripped, but gaining mass is the primary objective right now. I am wondering if 1 cycle will be enough to "kick start" me towards the right direction. I am very dedicated, and will continue a hard routine afterwards, with the right diet plan of course. Well ur goals are gettin cut up correct? id adise working out for atleast 6 months steady before starting a cycle, so u can get ur diet good and so ur muscles are ready for steroidsm (also i am assuming cause of school is why u havent worked otu much but u did before....)

    In addition, I have around 15% body fat (guessing: I have a flat stomach, but cant see abs, maybe a 2 pack Also I havent hit the gym in 5 months and lost most of my muscles.. I am considering working out a month or 2 to gain some of it back before I start the cycle. as i said above, work out atleast 6 months steady before starting a cycle, u have lost most of ur muscles u want to get them builded back up before doin a cycle because of risk of damage ot ur tendons and such from the added muscle mass, that is one of the single biggest consequences of starting to early w/o a proper base

    This is what I'm looking at:

    Weeks 1-12 test e 500mg/week - injections 3.5 days apart
    Weeks 1-4 Winstrol 50mg/day for a kick start winstrol isnt a kick start at alll.... totally wrong there, u use winny to finish a cycle.... test e isnt really a great cuttin choice, but its all in ur diet, so make sure u have that down good!!! that will determine every ounce of 'cuttness' ull get with test e....

    I dont want to use dbol because it is much more expensive. Also is it better to use deca instead of winstrol at around 500mg/week for 12 weeks (Im not too sure about this)? no price talks

    Now, PCT starting week 13:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva bad pct doses, and u dont need all of them... u just need 2 things, if u get gyno, take letro and do the gyno reversal doses, and then for pct do nolva for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/20 mg ED, thats all u really need, but some clomid doesnt help i just dont like the sides of clomid...

    Should I run estrogen protection while on the cycle? Im not sure if I require it.

    Lastly, I just want to say that my goal is only to do 1 cycle... so I really want as much of a gain as I can get, then go back to my natural routine. On average, with a hard routine and great diet, how many pounds of muscle do you then one can potentially gain?

    Thanks for reading my post guys! Looking forward to your input.
    in bolds

  4. #4
    shynee is offline New Member
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    my goals are not just for cutting yet, I plan to do that on my own after the cycle. I want to gain muscle through the cycle , BUT i dont want to become massive. I just want lean muscle at the end of the day. For the looks of it, seems like Im not ready. I guess Ill workout for a continious 4-6 months before I start the cycle then.

    Thanks for the advice.

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if u really wanna bulk naturally, just eat:
    meat -steak chicken

    alot of it and everyday... and then be srue to do cardio and take a multivit

  6. #6
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    If you dont want to be "massive" and your not training for sport or something then your best to stay natrual and not risk any complications. the goals you have set are not hard to reach you just have to work.

  7. #7
    GT2's Avatar
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    160lbs and 5'9? You don't need AAS, you need a proper diet + training routine

  8. #8
    shynee is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    160lbs and 5'9? You don't need AAS, you need a proper diet + training routine
    ya if u read my post properly, I already said that i couldnt work out consistenty in the past, thus lost most of my gains and went back to square one... when i start working out, Ill change my diet accordingly. I eat 5-6 meals a day, tons or protein and carbs now.

  9. #9
    jnewton86's Avatar
    jnewton86 is offline Member
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    I agree with charger 527. I understand you want to get ripped and lean, but if all you want is to do one cycle and you dont do sports or compete, i think its best to accomplish your goals naturally. Just hit the gym hard and focus on diet

  10. #10
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    good to step back and thinkabout making modification.
    and remember: Success is a journey not a destination.

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