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Thread: beginner dbol

  1. #1
    ryan1212 is offline Junior Member
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    hopefully in pattaya

    beginner dbol

    Hey guys i know this is gonna be slated but its advice for a friend,

    age: 28
    height: 5'8
    weight: 140lbs
    bf: 8%

    He's started a 6 week cycle dbol , 30mg a day. (i know its a terrible cycle but he's 10 days in, and has his pct setup nolva and clomid).

    He's no real lifting experience, its all cardio, cycling and swimming. Just wants to gain 20-30 lbs. And is lifting now 3 days a week.

    I was told that if someone doesnt have lifting experience and starts a cycle there is a chance they're muscles will grow faster than they're tendons.

    Is this true?

  2. #2
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Yes true plus he probably won't be able to keep his gains off the dbol . But good luck with it. at 140lbs and only wants 20-30lbs he could easily achieve this through diet. 160-170lbs isn't that much at that height.

    Post his diet and training regiment. You should tell him to end it right now and do 2 weeks of PCT

  3. #3
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    i think the dude is on rush, i don't think he will put on that much wait if his diet is not in check. plus he could've achieved that by just adding more colories to his diet.
    i know people who ran the d-bol only cycle but didn't put on that much weight impossible.
    to me it looks like this :
    Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

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