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Thread: Cycle starts tommorrow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Cycle starts tommorrow

    Which by defintion makes me far and above better than the rest of you, or so I would like to think. Shut up.
    Test/eq it will be with some L-dex thrown in there. Hoping to avoid any moon face (cause I always fall culprit to it) but starting with 0.5mg ED for first two weeks then bumping it to 1mg ED. My logic being that it is test enanthate so it won't fully kick in until week 4 or so anyways even with my small frontload and so 1mg ED for the first two weeks would be aoverkill and I need to conserve here people. So, in conclusion, pink squirrels have the largest testicles of any other mammalian species in existence.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Look good Nathan "da man", but I did a cycle like this one last go around, and i tried to do armidex 1mg per day, and my joints hurt so bad, I couldn't work out. So I had to live with the bloat. I think the next go round i will stack with some eQ like you are doing here.
    Besides for you, the EQ should keep the bloat down enough, you may not need that much liquidex eh????
    BTW good to see ya around again.. dont' see much of you anymore

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm on everyday bro. Check the Lounge or other places. Are you Sicilian40 as well? I'm ever so confused now cause I converse with Sicilian40 from time to time. Where am I?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Good luck with your cycle mate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Looks nice and simple bro, just the way i like it. my face gts large as well, ushould see some pics that my shortyjust took for halloween, wow i look sic, she says hot.i say sick. i dont hold body water, but face gets big on test and tren, for obvious reasons

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Look just like my cycle only im about to do 4 weeks of dbol aswell.

    What will you use in the weeks between last injection and clomid? I was thinking winny but im leaning more on prop.

    Happy growing Nathan. Soon you might be as big as Papa.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by palme
    Look just like my cycle only im about to do 4 weeks of dbol aswell.

    What will you use in the weeks between last injection and clomid? I was thinking winny but im leaning more on prop.

    Happy growing Nathan. Soon you might be as big as Papa.
    Are you joking? PaPa is a pint size. I actually don't know what he looks like really but I'm just assuming I'm way bigger than him. Man, I gotta post some pics soon. I swear I'm gonna do it.

    PaPa - did you get that PM i sent you? i think I sent it at least? Are you gonna look into it or what?

    Anyways, I forgot doses are 1g test and 600mg eq each week. I'm taking 1200mg test for the first couple weeks, then will lower it - might even lower it to 800-900 depending on if I'm feeling conservative.

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