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Thread: Am I too young for juice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Exclamation Am I too young for juice?

    To begin, i just turned 19 and am 5'8" tall, weighing in at 155. I have been taking D-bol for approx. 3 and a half weeks and in this period i have gained 45 pounds increase in strength on benchpress, leaving me at 220, and several other signifigant strength increases as well as 15 pounds of muscle. [ and a little fat ]
    I was talked into taking them by my friends who had already began and gave me the connection. They left out all growth related side effects when they talked me into it and now ive been reading this site and am worried. I have been a late bloomer and i do not think i am done growing yet although i am 19. i have a few questions now....
    Will my 6 week cycle signifigantly stunt my growth? will i be able to stop taking roids for a year or so after the cycle to make sure that i will not grow anymore or am i beyond the point of no return? I dont understand if D-bol is gonna take my future growth away after one cycle, or if it takes long term usage. Someone please lend me advice.
    if the only short term side effects i will get from this is the acne and aggression i already have seen, i will most likely finish the cycle. i just want to know if this one cycel is gonna do an enormous ammount of damage growth wise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I think if you stop right now you should be alright and the natural growth, should not be disturbed to much and YES you are to young Bro...good luck...XL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I think you have a combination of things working against you...1st, you aren't physically ready for ANY anabolic steroids at 155lbs, 2nd, a dbol cycle isn't going to do shit for you as far as perminent gains, and 3rd, you are just turning 19, which is pushing it as far as the age issue goes. I wouldn't chance anything bro...I started when I was 20...6'2" 270 at 15% bf...and I think I should have waited another year. Just my .02.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I agree with broncojosh. Do you have any clomid for post cycle? Please tell me you at least have this.... if not GET some! I'd stop your cycle now and hold off on juicing again for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    If you have to ask, then you're too young.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I was thinking about Nolvadex, cause thats what my friend can get me. Honestly guys, can one cycle of dbol really hurt me permentantly? After this cycle i plan to lay off for a year or so to let my body finish developing. Then i will start again when im 20. I have been eating right, and doing all that i can to get the absolute most protein and carbs in my system. Id say my protein intake is near 180 grams a day. I am digging my gains a lot, and i like the general state of happiness that the dbols are giving me. I can totally see why these shits are so addictive. Ima cool off on the pills, and go from 4 a day to 2 a day for my remaining few weeks and probably take Nolvadex. Thanks guys for bothering to write your opinions. I appreciate it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    You havent been listening, you will lose almost everything you gain on a dbol only cycle. So why waste your money? Stay clean and hang around here and learn about nutrition, steroids etc.

  8. #8
    i disagree with some of the other members. many people survived and thrived on dbol only cycles before other steroids became more readily accessable.
    it is hard to say if you are going to stunt your growth. how much were you taking? that could give us an idea of the amount of aromatisation happenning in your body. elevated estrogen results in growth plate closure. most likely they have begun to close. peace.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    that closed-growth plates thing is overdone. Its not as prevalent as people think. In fact, i've known dosens of people who used at a young age and grew several inches afterwards. You young guys can pm me and i can tell you how to do it safely and correctly.

  10. #10
    I did a d-bol only cycle at 17 lost all my gains, closed my growth plates and permanently messed up my HPTA. I am really seriously f*cked up by that d-bol cycle. Everybody is different. I lost the crapshoot. I might be one in a million, I don't know the odds. Do you like to gamble?

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Mastiff
    I did a d-bol only cycle at 17 lost all my gains, closed my growth plates and permanently messed up my HPTA. I am really seriously f*cked up by that d-bol cycle. Everybody is different. I lost the crapshoot. I might be one in a million, I don't know the odds. Do you like to gamble?
    did you train properly, have nutrition in line, and use post cycle ancillaries?
    Last edited by Ex_banana-eater; 11-11-2002 at 08:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Re: did you train properly, have nutrition in line, and use post cycle ancillaries?

    Nope, this was back in the 60's, no internet, I knew squat. I don't think anybody back then knew about ancilliaries. I did learn more about diet and exercise. but when I did the d-bol I was an ignorant fool who thought he knew it all, and I wasn't going to listen to anybody who told me different.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Thanks for the thoughts. Seems like there are mixed feelings on this subject. I am doing my best to maintain good nutrician, and im still waiting on the Nolvadex. I wont get to serious with the juice til I'm older, but for now, it seems like my negative reaction to dbol really isnt that strong, so ima finish the cycle and decide from there. Once again, thanks for the support. ~ Nick

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know
    i did a couple dbol only cycles at a very young age and had no bad side-effects from it. I also grew 4 inches after ceasing. I did not keep all gains, but i did keep some and it always helped me break through a plateau.
    I took the chance, and i came out on top. To this day, i don't really need clomid. I take it for a week and am back to normal. Last cycle i didn't take any. Guess i'm just a lucky bastard.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    TeenPL ... Well, I think Clint Eastwood said it best... "Do you feel lucky punk? Well do you?".


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I did a full cycle when I was 16;
    enanthate, prop., EQ, insulin, Clen...
    Didn't lose much at all when I came off, had some gyno but it went away after I stopped. Also I have grown several inches since and am now taller than both my parents.
    I had three years of training under my belt when I did the cycle.
    I have also had my test and sperm count checked several times since finishing and I was above average in every test.
    I don't think you'll really screw yourself up unless you stay on too long. Hell my cycle was three months and still never had any serious side-effects.

  17. #17
    DJ, everybody reacts differently. What is great for you could be a disaster for somebody else. I ran 12 weeks of D-bol when I was 17 and seriously messed up my life. I'm not talking about losing a little hair, or just closing growth plates (which I did). Closing growth plates might be over-rated, and I'm sure most people won't get anywhere near the damage that happened to me. But its a crapshoot. You can't know ahead of time what will happen. Red Ketchup said it best, "Do you feel lucky?" .

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    wouldn't you like to know
    You can't bring to a issue of "luck"
    I was training very hard, eating 7 meals a day, getting 9 hours of sleep a night, and even having a weight gain shake in the middle of the night.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by UniKron
    To begin, i just turned 19 and am 5'8" tall, weighing in at 155. I have been taking D-bol for approx. 3 and a half weeks and in this period i have gained 45 pounds increase in strength on benchpress, leaving me at 220, and several other signifigant strength increases as well as 15 pounds of muscle. [ and a little fat ]
    I was talked into taking them by my friends who had already began and gave me the connection. They left out all growth related side effects when they talked me into it and now ive been reading this site and am worried. I have been a late bloomer and i do not think i am done growing yet although i am 19. i have a few questions now....
    Will my 6 week cycle signifigantly stunt my growth? will i be able to stop taking roids for a year or so after the cycle to make sure that i will not grow anymore or am i beyond the point of no return? I dont understand if D-bol is gonna take my future growth away after one cycle, or if it takes long term usage. Someone please lend me advice.
    if the only short term side effects i will get from this is the acne and aggression i already have seen, i will most likely finish the cycle. i just want to know if this one cycel is gonna do an enormous ammount of damage growth wise.

    according to info on this site, it takes CHRONIC use to do the damage to the plates....
    i am 17 with 4 years of training under my belt. I did a couple cycles of 1-test, had enormous gains, maintained every ounce of strength and size and continued the gains immediatly coming off with the help of tribulis and other supps like creatine, glutamine, multi-v's and nitrotech

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    two guys in this thread promoting use by people under 20 banned... anyone else want to give it a go? under 21 = too young.

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