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  1. #1
    Curtis212's Avatar
    Curtis212 is offline Junior Member
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    Arrow 12lbs from placebo?

    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 197
    Bf: 9%
    Training: 5 years
    Its my 2nd cycle and im currently running what i assume to be legit Test-e and injectible d-bol from a pharmacy in california. The vial looks very legitmate except for the expiration date is printed on the label. I have read earlier that if the expiration date isnt burned into the vial it could be a fake. I asked my supplier about it and he swears its legit and uses it himself.

    My dosing is as follows:
    Testosterone Enanthate : 600mg/wk; weeks 1-12
    Injectible Dianabol : 25mg/ed; weeks 1-4

    So far ive gained 12 lbs of mass in a week and a halfs time. Ive been eating like a horse and comsume around 5,000 calories a day. From what ive heard im supposed to gain a lot of water weight from dbol , but what from what i see all the gains dont seem to be solid. This also kinda throws me off and makes me want to question the gear. Has anyone else experienced this while using this combo?
    Last edited by Curtis212; 10-28-2008 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    do you mean 25mg/day of dbol ? if you only shoot 25mg once a week it is doing NOTHING. at all. 12lb is pretty good, but possible, assuming you weighed at the same time (ie not once at night and once in the morning, as you can fluctuate 3-4lb over night) its probably a lot from eating more, with a little dbol water weight

  3. #3
    Curtis212's Avatar
    Curtis212 is offline Junior Member
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    yes i inject the dbol ed

  4. #4
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    its possible. like i said, probably a lot of water weight. especially if in your larger diet you don't regulate sodium intake

  5. #5
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I asked my supplier about it and he swears its legit and uses it himself
    if only all sellers were as honest as your source

    but seriously, 12 lbs in 10 or so days is 70% water 20% fat and 10% actual mass IMO... and yes, extreme bloat and fat gain are very common side effects of dbol , especially those who are sensitive to it... that's why I swear I'll never use it again...also at 10 days, your test is just starting to kick in, so I wouldn't write off anything as fake yet

    although, maybe i'm just not caught up but I'm unfamiliar with injectable dbol...

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