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  1. #1
    connex202 is offline New Member
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    Estrogen Issues ?

    Hello, I had a problem a few weeks back with some stomach pain on my left side, I went to a doc and was told to try some prilosec. It actually helped calm down the pressure issue I was having. This was about 3 weeks into my test E 'solo' cycle. I started aromisin 20mg eod at about week 2 because of itchy nips. I stopped using the aromisin when the stomach problems came on and got some chem liquidex thinking maybe I was having issues with the aromisin. I ran that liquidex 25mg eod four about a week and a half and my nips got so sore I just this week switched back over to the aromisin. My stomach issues stopped when I was using the adex however the adex seemed like it wasn’t helping with my sore nips at all. So like I said I just this week switched back to aromisin 20mg ed and my nip issue calmed down a ton but the stomach issue is back even with the use of the prilosec. Confusing, so with the chem. adex my nips were really sore but the stomach issue was calm, with the aromisin the nip issue is much better but I have the pain in my stomach again. Any ideas and please don’t say deal with one pain or the other.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by connex202 View Post
    Hello, I had a problem a few weeks back with some stomach pain on my left side, I went to a doc and was told to try some prilosec. It actually helped calm down the pressure issue I was having. This was about 3 weeks into my test E 'solo' cycle. I started aromisin 20mg eod at about week 2 because of itchy nips. I stopped using the aromisin when the stomach problems came on and got some chem liquidex thinking maybe I was having issues with the aromisin. I ran that liquidex 25mg eod four about a week and a half and my nips got so sore I just this week switched back over to the aromisin. My stomach issues stopped when I was using the adex however the adex seemed like it wasn’t helping with my sore nips at all. So like I said I just this week switched back to aromisin 20mg ed and my nip issue calmed down a ton but the stomach issue is back even with the use of the prilosec. Confusing, so with the chem. adex my nips were really sore but the stomach issue was calm, with the aromisin the nip issue is much better but I have the pain in my stomach again. Any ideas and please don’t say deal with one pain or the other.
    I hope you forgot some decimal points, if not then I see why you might have issues. running 25mg liquidex? I run .25 eod when I use it.

  3. #3
    connex202 is offline New Member
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    correct, .25mg liquidex, and my aromisin is in 20mg caps

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    are you sure the chems are legit and what they are supposed to be? I've never had those issues.

  5. #5
    connex202 is offline New Member
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    No I really have no way to know if the chem is legit, It could be lime coolaid for all I know. I have a feeling the aromasin is legit because it made my nipples unswell and not be so sore in a matter of a few days. They are still sore but the stomach issue is coming on strong. I have some nolva I wonder if I should drop the AI's and try that?

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    sounds like the dex may be bunk, maybe the nolva would help. I never use aromasin on cycle anyway, but that's just me.

  7. #7
    connex202 is offline New Member
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    well I just ordered some new liquidex from a different place, curious if it would be smart to drop the aromasin for now and run nolva 20mg ed until the sore nips go away? I have clomid/Nolva for pct however I have plenty of nolva to run a short bit right now to control this issue?

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