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Thread: Any secrets to keeping gear warm in winter for garage storage?

  1. #1
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    Any secrets to keeping gear warm in winter for garage storage?

    Okay so my "garage" isn't really where I want to hide, but I'm too paranoid a person to type where I really keep it so... are there any tricks to keep the stuff from crashing in a place where the temp will probably drop to around what it would in an unheated garage?

    I was thinking wrapped in a thermal type blanket but if I go out there and my 10lb jug of test is frozen im going to be super pissed!

  2. #2
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    As long as it's 2c or above it's fine, if you get sub zero temps where you are then yep wrap them in a thermal sock or similar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Really? I didn't realize compounds get that cold. Well right on!

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    As long as it's 2c or above it's fine, if you get sub zero temps where you are then yep wrap them in a thermal sock or similar.
    how would a thermal sock help, considering that the gear has no inherant heat to contain?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    how would a thermal sock help, considering that the gear has no inherant heat to contain?
    Precisely what I was thinking, and what my girlfriend, who is a pharmacist afterall, was telling me.

    But if the temp can get down to 2 degrees celcius, then I think I'll be alright. Any comment on that being an accurate temperature BIG?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    Precisely what I was thinking, and what my girlfriend, who is a pharmacist afterall, was telling me.

    But if the temp can get down to 2 degrees celcius, then I think I'll be alright. Any comment on that being an accurate temperature BIG?
    Lats knows his stuff, I trust his estimate.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    how would a thermal sock help, considering that the gear has no inherant heat to contain?
    I see your point, but thermal lagging is used to stop cold water pipes freezing in winter, so i assumed as they have no residual heat and it does work, that this should work the same.
    Thanks big, on all my test e and sustanon it says store out of sunlight between 2-25c.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    Precisely what I was thinking, and what my girlfriend, who is a pharmacist afterall, was telling me.

    But if the temp can get down to 2 degrees celcius, then I think I'll be alright. Any comment on that being an accurate temperature BIG?
    With all due respect to your gf, she isn't an engineer.

  9. #9
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    i never had the issue..i just keep mine inside.. im crazy like that....

  10. #10
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    Woah, you have 10lbs of test :O
    Is that about 2 gallons?
    BTW if you're really concerned you could wrap it in neoprene and keep it on an ice chest filled with balled up news paper. Just an idea, should keep it a couple degrees warmer than anything outside.

  11. #11
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    not the fatherland
    ^^merry freakin christmas

  12. #12
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    Garage? What's with everyone keeping it hidden. Who's house is it? I keep mine in a clean dry cabinet drawer. If I really want to hide it I would keep it in a safe.
    I keep hearing about people putting it in an old sock or hiding it under rage. LOL Damn it's nice not to live with mom and dad anymore or have a snoopy wife. Only think I have to hide is the porn from the kid.

  13. #13
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    The 10lb jug was of course a joke, lol.

    And I just like to have one less thing too worry about. I used to be in a high risk type of job and the government still hasn't realeased its relentless eye from me. And even though its my gfs house a drug felony charge is the last thing I'd care to deal with.

    If you'd been through as much shit as I have with the feds, you would understand. And no I wasn't a drug dealer or pimp.

    We live in the USA (Under Surveillance Always) It never hurts to be a little paranoid.

  14. #14
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    OK but remember, just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.

    I can relate with you more than you think. I know all about top secret clearances and such.

  15. #15
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    I don't know about anything top secret. I just know what its like to open that door and see a badge - 3 government agencies SO FAR - and I don't ever want to see it again. And so long as they're knocking on and knocking down I can handle it. But either way, they'll never find my spot! muwhahahah

  16. #16
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    10lbs would be more like 1.5 gallons of acohol/oil suspension. water would be more like 1.2 but who's counting.

    i agree with big on the heat thing, as far as the pipes, i think that only works because the water might be cold water but it still isn't sub zero obviously, so it still would stand to lose some heat of its own to the outside, whereas the test would be so small a volume in comparison that its heat would be lost very very fast, and even a near perfect insulator (which there is none [ nasa probably gets pretty close] ) would still fail in a very small amount of time.

    and in fact i'm a chemical engineering major lol

  17. #17
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    if they want to find it they will find it, that's what dogs are for and if they want it bad enough they will plant it.....

  18. #18
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    can dogs smell steroids? also, unless your really on the sht list, i don't think they will raid your house for a couple cycles worth of test you have locked up somewhere..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    10lbs would be more like 1.5 gallons of acohol/oil suspension. water would be more like 1.2 but who's counting.

    i agree with big on the heat thing, as far as the pipes, i think that only works because the water might be cold water but it still isn't sub zero obviously, so it still would stand to lose some heat of its own to the outside, whereas the test would be so small a volume in comparison that its heat would be lost very very fast, and even a near perfect insulator (which there is none [ nasa probably gets pretty close] ) would still fail in a very small amount of time.

    and in fact i'm a chemical engineering major lol
    With respect. The pipes are outside cold water pipes, they are always thermal lagged, despite the air temperature reaching sub zero the water in the pipes will not freeze because the residual heat even from cold water is above freezing, then the pipes will retain enough of the heat so as not to freeze, this is taking into account thermal lag.
    As i'm sure you are aware, a look at thermal dynamics will explain this principal, being an engineer yourself you will be able to understand the science behind it.

  20. #20
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    I studied physics (didnt graduate) but its been years since I opened a science book and the only law of thermodynamics that I remember is that all systems eventually break down. I think thats the 2nd law. I could look it up with a simple wiki search but what fun would that be?

    And I'm not sure if dogs can smell juice or not. I do know this, I have a shirt that I sleep in and bum around the house, usually change a different every few days. But I spilled test all over the last one and mmmm, it smells good all the time.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    With respect. The pipes are outside cold water pipes, they are always thermal lagged, despite the air temperature reaching sub zero the water in the pipes will not freeze because the residual heat even from cold water is above freezing, then the pipes will retain enough of the heat so as not to freeze, this is taking into account thermal lag.
    As i'm sure you are aware, a look at thermal dynamics will explain this principal, being an engineer yourself you will be able to understand the science behind it.
    yes, i know that, thats pretty much what i was saying. that the pipes may have water in them that could be 5C (just a guess) but as long as the outside is under that, it will look to take heat from the pipes, but that will never fully happen since the water is always flowing and new water at 5C comes in.

    but with the test, it doesn't move and may start at 5C but even with a strong insulator it would slowly lose heat unless it has a way to supply itself (which it doesn't) or recycle like the water (which it doesn't)

    i think we are arguing the same side of this but in a different understanding

  22. #22
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    I keep mine in my gun safe along with two other buddies that are afraid to let their wifes find out that they are doing it. Hell I make my wife give me my injections, thats how I roll in my house!!!! I hope she never reads this! LOL Dont you have a buddy you can keep it with?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhl1 View Post
    And I'm not sure if dogs can smell juice or not. I do know this, I have a shirt that I sleep in and bum around the house, usually change a different every few days. But I spilled test all over the last one and mmmm, it smells good all the time.
    Im 99% sure dogs cant smell steriods because its an oil, Also i have heard of a new "party drug" which is oil based and cannot detected by dogs. with orals i have not heard of any being trainined to pick them up, they dont pick up panadol or other legal drugs. so i would assume they would not pick up gear.

  24. #24
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    ^^ i see what you mean but 99% of dogs don't have the exceptional scent. so kinda bad choice of numbers

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    ^^ i see what you mean but 99% of dogs don't have the exceptional scent. so kinda bad choice of numbers
    What i meant. Im 99% sure drug dogs cant pick up test. and this is because that it is an oil, and to back this i know of a new "party drug" which is getting past drug dogs because it is in oil form. Now im not sure if the dogs can or can't be trainined to pick up types of oils but at the present time there is none that are.

  26. #26
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    i knew what you meant. but i don't know, they can do some impressive things

  27. #27
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    Dogs are trained to pick up on certain scents, Ive never heard of a steroid sniffing dog, Im sure they exist but the chances they bring one t0 your house is pretty slim odds. These dogs are trained to sniff out weed, cocaine and these types of drugs. If they sniffed out everything they would spend hours in your bathroom going through your medicine cabinet checking perscriptions. Im pretty sure you dont have to worry about a steroid sniffing dog, doesnt mean they cant smell the roids but they are not trained to alert on these items.

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