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Thread: Dianabol! have u herd of these?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Dianabol! have u herd of these?

    Hey guys, i no this question might be to hard to answer without pictures but ill try do my best.
    My source told me that he got some dianabol 10mg which are like oval shape and pink. they have no line or marks on the tablet. has anyone used them before or herd of them becasue i havn't?. I have been looking everywhere on google and this forum and cant find wat im looking for. I also dont know if they are from a ugl.
    Is it possible that ugl make dianabol like this or is it from a lab? Also what does dianabol taste like? is it possible to put it in my mouth and see if it taste like what described to see if its real?
    thanks guys! ur help is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    ask him for the scientific compounds, or whatever those long names are called.
    d-anabol and dianabol are two different things. one is fake the other is not.

    also, if you do follow through with this, please for your own safety make sure your source is credible. these pills can be anything and could harm you if these are something else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    it tastes best when you bite it.... its a pill, don't they all taste terrible??

    also a ugl is a lab. and UnderGround Lab (the acronym)

    the long names are methandienone or methandrostenolone it helps to remember them lol

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