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new to this forum and am in need of advice.
ive been using steriods for 3-4 years now.
usually 2-3 courses a year.
i usually do 1 amp of suston250 and 1 amp of test enanthate a week for 10 weeks with good results.
or sometimes 40mg of dianabol a day for 6 weeks.
im now donating a kidney to a family member.
have had a lot of testing done and ive been cleared to be a donor.and my kidneys are in a1 condition.
after speaking to my nurse ,she tells me i should never use steriods again .but couldnt give me a reason for this conclusion.
i was thinking of continuing using once i have recovered and get the all clear.
is this wise?
is there anything i must stay away from? trem?
any suggestions on kidney friendly courses or roids?