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Thread: donating a kidney need advice

  1. #1

    donating a kidney need advice

    new to this forum and am in need of advice.

    ive been using steriods for 3-4 years now.
    usually 2-3 courses a year.
    i usually do 1 amp of suston250 and 1 amp of test enanthate a week for 10 weeks with good results.
    or sometimes 40mg of dianabol a day for 6 weeks.

    im now donating a kidney to a family member.
    have had a lot of testing done and ive been cleared to be a donor.and my kidneys are in a1 condition.
    after speaking to my nurse ,she tells me i should never use steriods again .but couldnt give me a reason for this conclusion.
    i was thinking of continuing using once i have recovered and get the all clear.
    is this wise?
    is there anything i must stay away from? trem?
    any suggestions on kidney friendly courses or roids?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Most medical professionals will tell you not to use steroids, one kidney or two.
    I can't see a problem using after youv'e made a full recovery, but i'm not a doc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    Quote Originally Posted by english75 View Post
    new to this forum and am in need of advice.

    ive been using steriods for 3-4 years now.
    usually 2-3 courses a year.
    i usually do 1 amp of suston250 and 1 amp of test enanthate a week for 10 weeks with good results.
    or sometimes 40mg of dianabol a day for 6 weeks.

    im now donating a kidney to a family member.
    have had a lot of testing done and ive been cleared to be a donor.and my kidneys are in a1 condition.
    after speaking to my nurse ,she tells me i should never use steriods again .but couldnt give me a reason for this conclusion.
    i was thinking of continuing using once i have recovered and get the all clear.
    is this wise?
    is there anything i must stay away from? trem?
    any suggestions on kidney friendly courses or roids?
    The only reason I see is the amount of fluids your body will be able to clear, is going to be less. The fact that AAS makes us retain water and fluid will put more strain on the only kidney you'll have to do the whole job.

    Check a Dr. who has delt with AAS users. Good luck

  4. #4
    yes i see what your saying.
    but as i only use small amounts,i think the water i retain will be minimal?

    anyone know a dr in the uk who deals with ass users?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    How can you still think about steroids after a so shocking life change?

    It would be the last thing i would ever think if i were you.

    Just stay clear of roids and start a healthy life.

    I hope everything will go fine for you and your recipient.

    Good luck!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by steropower View Post
    How can you still think about steroids after a so shocking life change?

    It would be the last thing i would ever think if i were you.

    Just stay clear of roids and start a healthy life.

    I hope everything will go fine for you and your recipient.

    Good luck!
    I disagree here copmpletely, just becaus the guy is doing something extremely spectacular a thoughtful it should change his life from what is was if it doesn't have too!!

    I think your a very decent guy for doing it and if you hobbies are the same as the most of us on here, which is training and keeping ourselves in shape with a little help of ASS the so be it eh! (as long as its safe to do so obv)

  7. #7
    That is a truly spectacular thing you are doing.May you live a blessed life for the rest of your years.

    As for aas...i have read somewhere that Deca was kidney friendly...but i'm no doc.They sometimes use it to treat patients on dialysis(spelling?)

  8. #8
    thanks for the comments guys.
    im just trying to keep my life as normal as possible.(normal to me)
    ive been training for 18 years now.its taken a long time for me to gain my physic which im very happy with.
    i used to kickbox at 65 kg .
    for the last 5 years ive been trying to add bulk,im now 86 kg at 5"10.i usually run under 8-9% bodyfat year round without diet.
    i dont drink or smoke.the only bad i have is some mild steriod use ,which i would like to continue.
    but obviously if it will affect my one kidney in anyway i will give it up.steriods ,not the training.

    soldier01, thats what ive heard ,deca is ok.
    i know that after transplant ,the recipient goes on a course of steriods.well i know this to be true for kids,not sure about adults,but cant see why this would be different.

    so if its ok for them ,why not me?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by english75 View Post
    yes i see what your saying.
    but as i only use small amounts,i think the water i retain will be minimal?

    anyone know a dr in the uk who deals with ass users?
    No, but the nhs do offer blood test and info, try a nhs walk in centre.
    Personally i still don't think you have to worry, but it's always best to get an unbiased professional opinion.
    PS, i think what you are doing is one of the most selfless things that can be asked of anyone, good to hear mate.

  10. #10
    yes thats what i need .unbiased pro opinion.
    went to my local needle exchange ,but they said they didnt really know enough about it.couldnt really point me anywhere either.
    my gp is like the hospital,"why would you want to use steriods anyway".

    ive got a friend in austrailia whos doc supplies him perscription roids,so have have asked him to ask his doc what he thinks.

    a lot of people say that im brave and stuff ,but the reallity is,if it wasnt my son ,i wouldnt be donating.(mostly due to knowing nothing about it)
    as a parent you do whatever you have to ,to give you children the best life possible.which is what im doing.
    if i would have known more about donating and stuff before ,id like to think i was the kind of person who would anyway,to someone unrelated.

    donors have a higher life expectancy than the general population ,bonus.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    corticosteroids effect the kidneys much more than AAS. I probably would infact not use orals again. Even though the liver is what is responsible for the processing of virtually all chemicals that enter your body. Plus she is a nurse, like she knows jack and shit about it. This coming from a guy that is Married to a nurse and his two best friends are nurses. So no disrespect towards nurses.

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