i got back to running a bit because ive noticed some loss in stamina. is there any act in test when your doing cardio? what does it do? im on test e and deca
i got back to running a bit because ive noticed some loss in stamina. is there any act in test when your doing cardio? what does it do? im on test e and deca
I've heard some people experience loss of stamina while on tren, but not all do. I haven't personally experienced loss in stamina while on test only, mine actually seemed to go up. Are you sure its the gear and not doing enough cardio? You said you got back to running so maybe its that
no u guys got me wrong lol. ive lost stamina because i havnt been running for a while just trying to bulk. my question was what do steroids do when you run? do they enhance muscle or make you faster?
they make muscles bigger, probably not much faster unless you started off incredibly slow.
some people say winstrol can add speed, but i don't think test will
wow bigger. i thought they made muscle smaller thats why i stopped. doesnt cardio make you lose both fat and some muscle? if ur right ill be running all day now lol missed out on 2 much stamina.
are you trying to be an idiot? last i checked i wasn't the one asking dumbass questions on here
i find i cant run as half as as far on the juice as i can when im off it, run out of breath much quicker, steroids speed up ur heart rate, maybe might have something to do with it, i could be wrong though,
i found that the increase in my weight while on cycle, had an effect on my running.
i know endurance athletes use lower doses of aas... hope this helps
Endurance athlete do take low dose test to speed recovery, and to combat the lowering of natrual test levels most endurance athletes have.If your taking a BB's does of test and deca then your stamina will go down.Increase water weight will drag your vo2max and threshold way down.
wtf is everyones problem on here. most of uze r fkn fairies that talk shit coz in reality ur all little puppets. t-own u talk a lot of shit bro think ur tough on the net yeh. seriously some people on this site need to get their teeth knocked off. too much eostregen in ur fat ass body
My stamina is normal or even a bit higher on all compounds except tren, i get winded a little faster than the normal. But you can train yourself for higher endurance to combat this.
i thnk test adds a little to my stamina,, i always do alot of cardio on cycles cause i dont like the bulky log look. You will def keep the weight down if you run alot though.
no clue why t own called you an idiot,, uncalled for
look at him, hes a roided up little kid.. he tries to be sarcastic to the people that help him
mr My new haircut up there needs to take it easy. good thing you have the steroids to make you feel tough
footballers and sprinters usually get caught running nandralone. you do the maths.
my first cycle was sust. and it made me much faster. Mainly endurance but i could maintain alot faster speed for a longer distance. Like i went from a slow 6:45 mile to a 4:40 mile in only a month so it definately helped my endurance alot
this thread has turned into a shit show....
Anyway, only thing i really can complain about is i get bad pumps in my legs when I'm on Test or especially Dbol/Anadrol. Makes my legs feel like stiff poles...slows me down a bit
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It gives me painful shin splints.
I agree with you. i did sust a few times and it helped me as well. My times weren't like yours though. But even today, i'm on tren and test and i'm still enjoying cardio. I feel that it's very important to do regardless.
Does it make my legs stronger? I don't know.
Does it make me stronger? I don't know.
I just know that i feel much better when i do cardio. Then someone told me something about red blood cells when doing cardio. Like it allows more oxygen into your bloodsteam. Which equalls strength, and he's pretty well respected in my community so i've been doing cardio ever since.
ive always kept cardio to low intensity long duration when juicing. Something seems pretty dangerous to me about strenuously working the heart muscle when it is so dangerous to enlarge your heart. It would make sense to me that steroids will encourage this type of muscle growth. Especiallywhen running test, tren, deca as opposed to much less anabolic/androgenic roids like winny or primobolan.
ok so i don't get too off topic anymore i can comment about thread.
Today i did a little running which i have not done in decades?? lol
Anyways i did feal my ankles more than anything get very very tight. The pump and extra weight on my ankles give me discomfort. My legs as a whole get tight and i have to stretch them constantly. It's not as bad if i run on the tread mill vs. the road.
So go be a power walker like the 60 yr old women at the gym!
I think some of you tards on here have been warned about flaming before. I will ask admin to review this thread and he can decide if its time for some of you to have a vacation. I am getting tired of seeing this bullshit !!!
i think there is a sort of motivation factor when on aas, the mental aspect can improve running alot.It also improves strength and recovery.RBC count is a big factor also.But when increasing body weight, your running economy will suffer, and your vo2max. For people who don't run alot, will see a big increase when running on aas.But a trained athlete will see and nice improvement in recovery .A little speed, and hopefully a lil endurance.But nothing major.
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