what do u think about it? im going to do 1st cycle. here some pictures of my test.
Thx all
what do u think about it? im going to do 1st cycle. here some pictures of my test.
Thx all
Are you kidding me ? Did you even read this report ? Whats is your Dr telling you ? You have some serious issues if you are natural and these tests are accurate !!!! I would NOT cycle based on this report if I was you. This is what the pathologist thinks you should be checked out for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congeni...al_hyperplasia
Last edited by Kale; 10-31-2008 at 06:25 AM.
If those are your natural test levels, you are about 4x the outer limit of a normal range....
fk,, just vial up your blood and sell it as test
your doctor didnt tell you anything about this test you took?
roger that,, and go to another doctor
So who is big expert to talk with in here to and check my btest and advise me should i start my 1st cycle or not. Thx
Why i cant send pm ?
Helppp, need to know can i start 1st cycle or not. Need to order my gear and pay.
Of course you can. I presume you are not from Australia originally ? If not what is your immigration status, that will determine if you can use the Health care system there or not. What do you mean "the letter is closed" if you mean its sealed you have every right to open it and read it.
i will start my cycle 1 no mater is my second blood test.
my one is 1420
Why More Isn't Always Better
According to a study in the April 1999 Journal of Behavioral Medicine, higher-than-average testosterone levels offer certain benefits but also carry some serious risks. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Penn., reviewed the records of 4,393 men between the ages of 32 and 44 who had served in the military between 1965 and 1971. Their blood had been drawn to determine testosterone levels -- which ranged from 53 to 1,500 nanograms per deciliter, with an average of 679. (The normal range in males is 270 to 1,070 nanograms.)
Is any real helper here? Should i start my cycle1 or not. If i do what will go wrong. See my btest res 1st post. Thanks
i did new blood test will see my luck on friday, also wen i need to see Endocrinologist.![]()
Unless you have some negative symptoms; i think your blood tests are great - seems you're genetically predisposed to high free test circulation
You should be putting on muscle and be naturally lean without breaking a sweat - gear should be the furthest thing on your mind.
Are you naturally lean and built? Or do you show symptoms of congenital hyperplasia like your report postulates (ill developed genitals; early puberty; excessive hairiness and aggression (some is to be expected with natty high test)?, etc..) Cuz from what I see; you are a perfect candidate for natural muscle bbing
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